There is a good reason to evaluate the DASH diet and to introduce you to it: most people who follow this diet do so only to lose weight. However a normal weight is closely linked to a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to do. It is possible to apply this diet while taking care of your health.

Why DASH diet

The DASH diet is the best according to the experts.

What makes this diet different from many other popular diets these days is that its purpose is not primarily to help people lose weight, but rather to reduce their blood pressure.

There have been a number of studies, which find that it helps for several outcomes. These include lower blood pressure, lower weight, lower bad cholesterol (LDL), lower triglycerides, and better insulin sensitivity, which is important for diabetics.

One study that looked at people with non alcoholic fatty liver disease even found that it resulted in improved liver function tests. 

According to NIH website, DASH eating plan is promoted as a quote flexible and balanced eating plan and recommends that people eat a diet mostly composed of vegetables, fruits  and whole grains, they can include low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry nuts and vegetables, foods that are high in saturated fat full-fat dairy products are tropical oils should be limited. Lastly, sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets should also be very limited. 

What’s exactly DASH diet ?

DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This diet is therefore not commercially motivated but is the result of a thorough study. This type of diet is characterized by three things: 

It is a Diet Rich in Fruits and Vegetables

The goal here is to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables based on those that are rich in sodium. As long as the majority contain sodium which is an essential nutrient in lowering  blood pressure.

 Low Sodium diet

The second characteristic of this diet is that in general the amount of sodium consumed per day does not exceed 2400mg which is the equivalent of a tsp. Since the accumulation of sodium is the cause of pressure in the arteries.

Rich Protein diet

Based on poultry, fish, cereals and nuts, and limiting or avoiding red meat as it’s a source of saturated fat.Several studies have been done on the DASH diet and have proven its effectiveness.

It’s a healthy and balanced diet which is similar to the Mediterranean diet, but what makes it number 1 by the scientists is that it doesn’t bring any exclusion, it’s a healthy way of eating, which must be established in the long term.

This diet recommends portions of each food group that are specific to each individual according to sex, age, weight, metabolism and other factors.

Green vegetables

We’ve said that it’s based much more on vegetables and fruits, therefore starting with vegetables:  Vegetables in the DASH diet is the foundation of your diet, vegetables are low in calories and rich in minerals and even most are rich in potassium which is beneficial for arterial and cardiovascular health.They are also rich in vitamins, and the particularity they have compared to fruits is that they’re very low in carbs.


They also bring a waggon of beneficial minerals, but also vitamins (especially C if eaten raw), and citric acids (also very beneficial for the acid-base balance especially for those who suffer from burning sensations in the stomach). Fruits also contain soft fibers which are beneficial for the good bowel transit), and also their zest gives you good essences ex: orange peel is a stress reducer).

How many servings of vegetables in the DASH diet?

The norm is between 4 and 5 servings of vegetables per day:  1 serving = a plate of green salad, 1 bowl of vegetables, 1/2 plate of cooked vegetables, 1 large glass of vegetable juice( but be careful to consume all portions of vegetables as juice) 1 glass of juice and the other 4 servings chewed raw is good.

All fresh, or frozen nature, asparagus, broccoli, eggplant, green beans, zucchini, lemon, tomato … It’s an endless choice!

How many servings of fruits in the DASH diet?

  • 4 to 5 servings per day: knowing that 1 serving = 75g of raw fruit and 50g of fresh fruit.
  • An apple or an individual jar of compote corresponds to two servings, also corresponds to a small glass of smoothie/fruit juice.
  • The DASH diet provides three meals a day, plus an all-you-can-eat snack and bans snacking.
  • Prefer low-sugar fruits such as citrus, without added sugar or artificial ingredients. (Raspberries for example)
  • Fresh or frozen, all fruits are allowed.
  • Whole grains : They provide vegetable proteins (to be associated with legumes, grains, nuts), they help to calm hunger for a long time.
  • The “complete” cereals contain more fibers and protective components than in the refined cereals: antioxidants, vitamins, minerals”.

How many servings of cereals in the DASH diet?

  • 7 to 8 servings (including a maximum of three slices of bread per day)
  • 1 portion = 3 to 4 nice tablespoons of rice or cooked pasta, which is also the equivalent of 5 tablespoons of breakfast cereal per day.
  • Two rusks, one 40 g slice of bread.
  • For cereals, they should  be cooked at home (no canned food), no pre-cooked pasta or rice to be reheated at home, no refined pasta or cereals.
  • Dairy products: Are great source of protein, calcium and vitamin D.
  • They also provide other beneficial nutrients depending on their nature. For example, yoghurts provide prebiotics, which are friendly to the intestinal flora, and even branching amino acids.

Are you lactose intolerant? You can replace these products by their milk equivalents (almond milk, rice milk, … if you want).

How many servings of  Dairy Products is the DASH diet?

  • 2 to 3 servings per day
  • 1 portion = 1 glass of milk (20cl)
  • 1 yoghurt or 100g of cottage cheese per day.
  • 3 small cheeses, 
  • 30 g of low-fat cheese.

What foods are not allowed on the DASH diet?

Therefore, prohibited foods or beverages include: 

  • Foods high in sodium: Deli meats, bouillon cubes.
  • Foods and beverages high in sugars: 
  • Jams, sweets, soft drinks, pastries: these are not really prohibited but to be consumed only on occasion in a limited way.
  • Alcohol 
  • Red meats
  • Saturated fats: prepared meals, fast food, 
  • Offal 
  • French fries.

Why is the DASH diet recommended?

Why DASH diet 1

So this is a regime that was developed in the 90s. It was originally developed for high blood pressure, to treat people who had high blood pressure. However, lately, its effects have been proven for not only  high blood pressure, but also for insulin sensitivity, bad cholesterol ( LDL) and triglycerides. 

DASH diet to stop hypertension 

Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease, it corresponds to an abnormal increase of blood on the wall of the arteries, which is considered high if it’s above 140/90. So basically, the DASH diet is made to control high blood pressure in people suffering from it.

What makes the DASH diet effective for high blood pressure is that it provides foods known as “hypotensive” since they are rich in sodium, and the amount of salt that should be consumed per day should not exceed a teaspoon.

In addition, this diet is low in fat and prohibits red meat, which is an important source of iron and protein, but don’t worry because red meat in this diet is replaced by fish and poultry.

 So the fact that this diet is low in fat, rich in fruits and vegetables and reduced in salt, can help in controling hypertension.

It ‘s for its richness in water: It helps in the elimination of the sodium accumulated in the blood, and its low salt content which favors the balance of blood volume.that’s what makes it a preventive and treatment for high blood pressure.

This has been shown to be very effective by research and experts. That’s why it has been voted for several times as the best diet of the year.

Dairy products

They carry a good amounts of protein and vitamin D,they also provide other beneficial nutrients depending on their nature. For example, yoghurts provide prebiotics, which are friendly to the intestinal flora, and even branching amino acids.

Are you lactose intolerant? You can replace these products by their milk equivalents (almond milk, rice milk, … if you want). Prefer semi-skimmed milk and plain milk (yogurt and cottage cheese). The harder the cheese (matured) the less water it contains and the more salty and caloric it is.

Reminder: milk is a food and not a drink, we do not drink it at the table, we drink water.

These are only standards because in this diet the number of calories is prescribed according to your energy expenditure.

DASH diet for weight loss, is it effective?

Yes! The DASH diet allows you to drop pounds for those who are overweight!

According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, it is rated 3.3/5 in the category of “weight loss effectiveness “.

The high fiber content that this diet recommends has several effects on weight loss, the first is satiety! Fiber has a satiating effect without providing calories! In addition, it is low in saturated fat. 

But the quality of food in the DASH diet is very healthy and balanced. You will certainly lose weight and in a sustainable way with the DASH diet because it is similar to a balanced diet!  The key to success is that the DASH diet encourages you to schedule your meals and adjust your eating habits.

It is also rated 4.5/5 in the “Advantageous for health” category.So it is not only good for weight loss, but also for your overall health.

DASH diet VS Vegetarian diet

Actually, the thing that differentiates the vegetarian diet from the DASH diet is that the latter does not exclude fish or poultry which are an important source of iron, protein, and for marine products source of Iodine.

On the other hand, the vegetarian diet totally excludes meat. This can cause nutritional deficiencies. Both are rich in vegetables. But being vegetarian does not mean that it is low in fat!

In fact, a study in the United States that was done on people who were vegetarians proved that many of them had strokes because of an exaggerated rise in blood pressure. But there is one thing missing! It’s the way these vegetarians eat! Eating french fries 3 times a day or eating pizzas every day is also vegetarian! 

Being vegetarian is good as long as you pay attention to the quality of the food you eat and take into consideration the deficiencies that may occur (by asking your doctor first), but being DASH is better. In the end it remains the number 1 for experts!

1800 calorie DASH diet menu


  • Two slices of bread 
  • 1 tablespoon of margarine (100% vegetable)
  • 1 glass of semi-skimmed milk
  • fruit 

Lunch : 

  • We begin with raw vegetables with a spoon of oil (preferably oil of live) 
  • White of poultry 
  • 100g of wholemeal pasta
  • 40g of low-fat cheese
  • 40g of wholemeal bread
  • A fruit of season


  • A banana + a plain yogurt (125g)
  • mix it if you want 
  • or: 10g of almonds 
  • 100 g fresh fruit

Dinner : 

  • Vegetable soup
  • Fish fillet
  • 100g of steamed potatoes
  • A fresh fruit 


In the end and as a dietician, the dash diet is a good way to regain health, especially for hypertensives, and even for those who want to lose weight without risk. The DASH diet provides you with good nutrients, less fat, and a lot of vegetables, and good proteins and omega 3 (fish and poultry)and most importantly, it’s not restrictive, which makes it different from the other diets.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.