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Does The Nutritarian diet for Autoimmune diseases work?

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Does the nutritarian diet for Autoimmune diseases work? 

The Nutritarian diet for Autoimmune diseases is not the recommanded diet . It was originally designed to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Today and fortunately there are other diets that can be effective for certain autoimmune diseases such as the GAPS diet. 

Nutritarian diet benefits for Autoimmune diseases

The nutritarian diet eliminates all refined products from your diet and encourages the consumption of organic foods like coffee. It also encourages the elimination of industrial products and sweets that have no nutritional value and are harmful to your health in the long run. These are the essential benefits of the nutritarian diet in relation to autoimmune diseases. So it’s going to help keep you healthy in that regard. 

Why does the nutritarian diet not  help in autoimmune disease? 

There are several negative points that make the nutritarian diet not a suitable diet for autoimmune diseases. 

1- Limits the consumption of insoluble fiber 

When we talk about autoimmune diseases, we have to talk about the intestinal microbiota that is responsible for immune defense and physical and mental health. The intestinal microbiota, in order to be balanced, must be nourished, especially by dietary fiber. On the other hand the nutritarian diet limits the consumption of cereals that normally should bring a lot of benefits to our body. 

2- Lack of proteins that play a great role in the immunity 

Without a sufficient supply of protein, our body will not function normally. They enter in the constitution of blood, formation of tissues, renewal of cells, etc. The nutritarian diet limits the consumption of a very essential element to have a solid health which are the animal proteins. 

3- Lack of natural prebiotics

The nutritarian diet not only limits the consumption of dietary fiber, which is essential for the balance of the intestinal microbiota, but also limits a second food of the microbiota, which is the lactic ferments, which are bacteria present in yogurt, kefir, which must be very essential for the intestinal flora and therefore for autoimmune health. But unfortunately the nutritarian diet does not allow us to eat these foods normally and they must be limited to 2 portions per week.

What’s the best diet for autoimmune diseases? 

Today, the GAPS diet  is gaining its place as the top beneficial diet for autoimmune diseases. The GAPS diet is still the best at the moment. This does not mean that you will be cured of your disease once you follow this diet alone, but the GAPS diet is something you should do in conjunction with your medical treatment to alleviate your disease.

This diet can help relieve and even intervene to cure autoimmune diseases, especially those of intestinal origin (imbalance of the intestinal flora) such as OCD and autism. 

Why The Gaps Diet is The Best diet for autoimmune disease? 

2 main reasons why the GAPS diet is better for autoimmune diseases 

1- Starch and disaccharide suppression. 

The GAPS diet eliminates starches and disaccharides, both of which contribute to the imbalance of the intestinal flora, the bacteria that reside in the digestive tract and are responsible for good physical and mental health and immunity. 

Disaccharides mean sweet foods such as chocolates, jams, candies and some dairy products, sweets and cookies. Generally these are industrial foods. 

This elimination will contribute in a sufficient way to balance the intestinal flora and thus a better immune health. 

2- Prebiotics 

Prebiotics are the food of the intestinal flora, they should not be abused or restricted, so that the bacteria of the intestine is balanced and healthy. Prebiotics are legumes, gluten-free cereals, fermented dairy products (to be introduced progressively from the second phase) but avoid raw milk. Fermented dairy products have bacteria called lactic ferments and these contribute to the balance of the intestinal bacteria. 

So to summarize, the Gaps diet eliminates foods that irritate the intestinal flora and lead to poor mental and physical health and recommends foods that help restore good immunity through the intestinal flora. 

Paleo diet Vs The nutritarian diet for Autoimmune diseases? 

It is indeed the paleo diet that is more beneficial on the immune system, especially digestive. They are two different diets. 

when you compare between the nutritarian & the paleo diet you will see that the Paleo diet has many more benefits for intestinal and immune health. The nutritarian diet simply cannot help you fight your autoimmune diseases. Here are the reasons why the paleo diet is better than the nutritarian diet when it comes to autoimmune diseases. 

Why is the paleo diet better than the nutritarian diet for Autoimmune diseases? 

The Paelo diet is classified as one of the best diets for autoimmune diseases (although I recommend the Gaps diet first, which is still the best). The paleo diet is a bit strict and consists of 2 phases, the first phase will eliminate from your diet anything that can irritate your gut that may be associated with intestinal inflammation or imbalances in the microbiota. such as grains, dairy products, legumes, seeds, coffee, alcohol, and industrial, processed products. 

Another reason why the paleo diet helps fight autoimmune diseases is that it is based on a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep on time, and having relaxation exercises and physical activities in order to reduce stress. Because stress will surely disrupt your hormones and therefore your immunity. 

On the other hand, the nutritarian diet takes its choice of foods in order to lose weight, it eliminates foods that have a lot of calories without providing much benefit, that is to say the nutritarian diet encourages to eat only foods that provides for each 1 calorie 1 nutrient. 

Bottom Line 

Finally, the nutritarian diet is not designed to fight autoimmune diseases. When we talk about the best diet for autoimmune diseases, we mean that this diet will help reduce the symptoms of this disease. 

The longer the diet is followed, the more effective the results and the more likely it is that you will be cured if you follow the diet strictly for a long period of time.

The Gaps diet is still the recommended diet for autoimmune diseases because it eliminates certain foods that disrupt your intestinal flora but also introduces other foods that help to balance the bacteria in the intestines such as dairy products although they are limited in quantity but they are not prohibited. 

Unlike the nutritarian diet, it does not have the necessary method to fight autoimmune diseases because it was basically made to know how to eat healthy in order to lose weight.  Remember that a diet alone without a follow-up by a specialist and without a healthy lifestyle won’t work. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.