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What Are The Cons Of South Beach Diet?


The south beach diet prohibits several nutritious foods such as legumes and fruits . It’s necessary to eat only foods with a moderate or low glycemic index and forbid foods with a high glycemic index. The lack of carbohydrates can lead to intense physical and mental fatigue.

Origin of the “ South beach” diet 

Dr. Agatston, an American heart specialist worked on this diet to “save”, according to him, the patients who follow the keto diet, from the bad consequences of the fact that the keto diet makes only restrictions on carbohydrates, while these patients can eat any food rich in fat, which induces to bad consequences on the cardiac health.

This is why he worked through the disagreement of the keto diet, and finally arrived at the south beach diet which focuses much more on the quality of fat as well as carbs than the quantity.

What’s exactly a south beach diet?

The south beach diet is a low carb diet, consisting of eating only good carbohydrates, (low glycemic index), and very rich in fat, provided it’s good fat (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and limited in saturated fat, so rich in protein. This diet focuses much more on the quality of food than the quantity.

The objective of this diet is to disrupt the metabolism so that it draws from its reserves the calories and fat that the body requires. It results in a weight loss of 11 to 22 pounds in the first two months and the duration of the diet is unlimited.

South Beach diet principles 

   The South Beach diet is divided into 3 phases:

    1. Starchy foods and sugars are excluded in favor of proteins and vegetables for 15 days.

    2. Gradual reintroduction of starchy foods and sugars starting with those with a low glycemic index (the slow sugar such as fructose triggers a gradual release of insulin without disturbing blood sugar, it is called low index) until the ideal weight is reached.

    3. Definitive adoption of a diet that favors good fats and good sugars.

What to eat in the “south beach” diet?

The diet is divided into 3 phases; elimination phase, beginning phase of rebalancing, and stabilization phase.

 Phase 1

Eliminate cravings and lose weight quickly . It’s a  very strict period that lasts two weeks.

  • Foods allowed at will: lean animal and marine proteins, including meats, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, cheeses. Also: “good fats”, including canola oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds, as well as certain vegetables, including lettuce.
  • Foods eliminated: almost all foods that are sources of carbs, i.e. cereals, all forms of bread, pasta, rice, fruits, dairy products..etc

Phase 2

More balanced than the first phase, but still low in carbohydrates, this period lasts until the desired weight is reached.

Foods allowed as much as you want

all the foods that were allowed in Phase 1.

Foods allowed in small amounts:

carbohydrate source foods with a low glycemic index, such as whole grain products (including whole grain bread), low-fat dairy products and most fruit (except at the morning meal).

Foods that are not allowed (or should be eaten in very small amounts):

refined baked goods (white bread, white pasta, cookies, etc.), refined cereals (white rice, sweetened breakfast cereals), some vegetables (potatoes, carrots, corn, beets), some fruits (melon, banana, pineapple, grapes), fruit juices and all foods that contain concentrated sugars.

Although there is more flexibility than in previous phases, the diet remains low in carbohydrates. Foods that were banned in Phase 2 can now be eaten occasionally. What usually happens is that the person regains weight in this phase, so it is suggested that they start Phase 1 of the diet again.

How to keep the weight off with the south beach diet?

Cheers 1

 In order not to regain weight, I also suggest that you reintroduce the foods that you have already stopped very gradually and try to prolong the second phase as long as possible.

The problem here is that the diet is too restrictive and fast which will cause stress and frustration, here we can not stop our old eating habits since it is too restrictive and deprivative, so it is fast, which makes us regain weight as soon as we stop dieting. It is an indirect revenge of our body to this abrupt restriction in our way of eating.


For starters, non-starchy vegetables are a food you can eat as much as you want on the South Beach diet. This would include greens, some low glycemic squash such as zucchini, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower to name a few.

Because the South Beach Diet is a phased diet, some foods are not allowed in Phase 1, but can be eaten in small amounts later in the diet. Fruit is one of these foods and is not allowed at all during the first two weeks. In phases 2 and 3, you can eat small amounts of starchy fruits and larger portions of lower glycemic index fruits such as berries. You can also introduce starchy vegetables.

How does the south beach diet Affect your body?

Let’s start with the positive point of this diet, which is that it plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases since it consists of choosing the right quality of fat, and good carbs, so it helps to normalize the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

Also, it is a diet that deprives us of several foods rich in nutrients essential for the proper functioning of our body and are very nutritious foods like legumes and fruits. So it leads to deficiencies that can lead to other complications and fatigue not only mental but also physical.

Is a South Beach diet successful in weight loss?

It’s  a restrictive and hypocaloric diet and therefore leads to a rapid weight loss, however, what is not good in this context is that it induces a weight regain as soon as the diet is stopped because it is too restrictive.

The fact that the south beach diet is low in carbs,  allows you to get rid of stomach fat especially because it contributes to a decrease in insulin secretion (fight against hyperinsulinism which is a triggering factor of abdominal obesity).

For whom is the “South Beach” diet intended?

This diet is especially indicated for people who want to lose weight and for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia..)

People who practice endurance activities such as cycling, skiing or various types of training may experience a decrease in performance due to the lack of carbs.

Does the south beach diet have any benefits?

Reasonable quantities that avoid feelings of hunger. No calorie counting. Long-term lifestyle. Loss of 6 to 8 pounds in 15 days (mainly located on the abdominal belt).

In the medium term, the south beach diet seems to be more effective than a private diet. But in the long term, the results are not necessarily convincing. Moreover, at the end of a south beach diet, patients generally tend to put on weight again, this is the yo yo effect.

Beware of bad consequences of south beach diet

This diet induces the yo-yo effect because of the rapid weight loss and the abrupt change in eating habits.

In the long term, the low amount of grain products could lead to a deficiency of B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus.

The South Beach Diet is a diet that does not take into account the genetic differences between each individual that determine different nutritional needs. It neglects, wrongly, the importance of exercise on weight loss. The South Beach diet can lead to muscle loss.

Dietician’s opinion in south beach diet

The South Beach diet can indeed prevent your cardiovascular health, since it promotes the consumption of only good fats, but it also has significant drawbacks (especially related to phase 1) without ensuring long term weight stability.

In addition, athletes are at high risk of experiencing a decrease in performance (due to the lack of carbohydrates). And this diet causes a loss of healthy tissue, such as muscle.

 So I find it unattractive and I observe that, unfortunately, it attracts people who are overly concerned with weight loss, to the detriment of their overall health – not to mention the pleasure of eating.

Typical day of south beach diet

Typical menu for phase 1: a rigorous phase 


  • Half an orange, a slice of bread, 3 teaspoons of fresh butter, coffee or tea.


  • 100g lean meat, Salad, 1 cup vanilla ice cream, an apple.


  • Tuna ,1 slice of bread, Coffee or tea alone.

For phase 2: let’s see a sample menu 


  • Strawberries
  • Semi-skimmed milk + cereals
  • Decaffeinated coffee

Morning snack

  • 0% fat yogurt with sweetener.


  • Tomato soup, grilled fish or chicken with olive oil dressing.

Dinner : 

  • Chicken and vegetables
  • Broccoli salad

Snack 11pm    

  •  15 g of pistachios and 20 g of dark chocolate.

For the third phase try to reintroduce foods gradually and eat a balanced diet. 

Let’s wrap it up 

The South Beach diet is based on a choice of good quality, unrefined and unprocessed foods. It also emphasizes the use of good fats and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (phases 2 and 3). It is therefore an excellent diet from a qualitative point of view, except for the latitude to freely consume coffee, tea and aspartame.

This diet is highly deprivative, with very strong food restrictions. It poses problems of deficiencies: in carbohydrates in particular, but also in vitamin D and fiber.

Moreover, it is hypocaloric, the diet is not compatible with sports activity. The Doctor also says very little about physical activity in his book. A diet to be taken with care, for which the advice of a dietician or another health professional is absolutely necessary.

Finally, if the advice concerning GI and omega-3 come from reliable scientific studies, some dietary recommendations have no solid nutritional basis.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.