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Kim Kardashian’s Drastic Diet: 16 pounds in 3 weeks!

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Recently Kim kardashian followed a very strict diet, she lost 16 pounds in only three weeks. This is absolutely not healthy. The goal is to fit into a Marilyn Monroe dress and it’s not to keep a healthy weight. Unfortunately today, we give much more importance to appearances than health.

What diet made her lose 16 pounds in 3 weeks? 

No sugar or carbs. Kim kardashian followed a very restrictive diet. She explained in an interview with “people” magazine: “I lost 16 pounds in just one week, I haven’t eaten any carbs or sugar for about three weeks, I’ve been following the diet strictly for two weeks.” She also said that she was determined to do whatever it took to fit into the Marilyn Monroe dress. 

Is it the keto diet?

Kim Kardashia did not specify the name of the restrictive diet she followed, but she did not eat any food containing sugar for 3 weeks. Some nutritionists believe that she followed the keto diet, but keto diet is high in fat. So it’s just hypocaloric Diet with 0% sugar. 

Is it safe to follow the kim kardashian drastic diet ?

Dietitian’s Opinion 

There is no doubt that it is not healthy, but people follow this kind of very restrictive diets because they quickly show good results. You should be aware of the bad consequences of this type of diet 

1- Yoyo effect 

You have to know that Kim Kardashian is not going to stay like this for a long time, if she does, it would be really hard. There is a revenge system that will be activated when you stop a drastic diet. This is called the yo-yo effect. That is to say, we put back on the weight we lost during the diet. 

2- Deficits or Deficiencies 

When you eliminate all foods that contain sugar from your body, this means that you eliminate

  • Pulses, which are very rich in iron, protein, magnesium and minerals in general. 
  • Dried fruits and oilseeds are a source of good fat (omega 3) and several vitamins. 
  • Fruit: Very rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. 
  • Dietary fiber help the proper functioning of the colon and the bacteria that reside in the colon which has a very important role in physical and mental well-being. 
  • All these foods should not be eliminated from our plate, their benefits are much more numerous than the disadvantages which are only the weight gain. But if we take them in moderation, there is no disadvantage. 

3- Probability of Weight gain 

Yes, restrictive diets can let you gain weight contrary to your goal. This time it’s not because of the yo-yo effect, but studies today show that very restrictive diets slow down the metabolism. 

In short: Sugar is the first fuel of our body. It is therefore an essential element for the proper functioning of the brain: concentration, muscle maintenance also. 

What diet to follow in a healthy way to lose weight?

Healthy weight loss means a slow weight loss, which requires a lot of time. The faster the weight loss, the worse the diet. I know you’re in a hurry but know that results take time. 

To lose weight healthily I invite you to follow a balanced diet, and to correct your dietary errors and improve your lifestyle, this is the most effective method. And for better health, visit a nutritionist or a dietician to help you lose weight while keeping a good health. 

A wrap 

Finally, I think losing 16 pounds for 2 or 3 weeks just to wear a dress seems like a way to play with your health. Unfortunately, appearances today are more important than health. The only time you have to follow this type of restrictive diet is when you have to lose weight for a surgical procedure. The calorie limit in this case should be 600 calories per day. 

If not, to lose weight healthily a balanced diet is the most recommended and preferably a follow-up with a dietician or a nutrition specialist.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.