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Allowed & Forbidden legumes On Clean Keto

Most legumes on the clean keto diet are forbidden, but luckily, there are some delicious legumes allowed which are: Mung beans, Soybean sprout, and snow peas.

Are legumes allowed on the clean Keto? 

Yes for some of them. Legumes are eliminated by the improved version of the keto diet which is the clean keto for two reasons: 

  • They are part of the processed foods
  • They are rich in carbohydrates 

Unlike the keto diet which allows them in very limited quantities. The clean keto diet does not allow most legumes for these two reasons. 

On the other hand, it allows us to consume some healthy legumes in a moderate way, to bring vitamins to our body, provided that they are natural. These legumes are part of the whole 30 of clean keto (list of 30 foods allowed by the clean keto).

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Clean Keto Legumes List & Facts!

Mung beans

They are a part of the legumes family, and at the same time low in carbs, they have only 4g of carbs in one serving ( 100g). They are known for their richness in vitamin B and fiber!

Note: you shouldn’t exceed 20g of mung beans per day to stay in ketosis. 

Soybean sprout

They are classified as legumes, and they are used most by Koreans. 

Soybean sprouts are allowed by the clean keto cause it has many advantages : 

  • Minimally processed but you can pick the whole organic one easily.
  • Low in carb
  • Rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin B9, and K, it’s good for pregnant women and cardiovascular health! 

Note: They have only 4g in one serving of 100g: but you shouldn’t exceed 20 to 30g /day. 

Snow peas 

They are a part of the Legumes family. 

Best Choice: Organic is best. Can eat fresh or frozen. Avoid the canned ones. 

  • Rich in fiber 
  • Vitamine B, K, potassium & iron. 
  • Low in carbs and non-starchy

Note: They have only 3.1 to 4.8g of carbs in one serving ( 100g). But you shouldn’t exceed 20 to 30g/ day. 

What allowed nuts are considered legumes in clean keto? 

Actually, peanuts are considered legumes but unfortunately, they are not allowed in the clean keto.  

Pine nuts, Brazil pumpkin, pistachio, cashews, chia seeds, almond, hazelnuts, walnuts & pecans are all allowed in clean keto, but they are considered seeds and nuts, and not legumes. 

Clean keto forbidden legumes list with their sugar content 

  • Beans : 9 to 10 g/ 100g
  • Broad beans:  9 g
  • Dried broad beans: 12g
  • Lentils: 12g
  • Soybeans: 13g
  • Chickpeas: 18g

Note: They are not considered high in carbs. Some of them are low in carbs but they may be processed that’s why clean keto eliminates them.

Foods that contain hidden legumes 


Tofu is excellent keto-friendly food, cause it has a low glycemic index, high in protein. It has only 1g in 100g! But it’s ELIMINATED BY CLEAN KETO, cause it’s made of legumes ( dried soybeans), and classified as dirty keto food cause it may be processed. 

Miso soup 

Unfortunately, even if it’s healthy, you should avoid miso soup if you’re on clean keto cause it’s made of tofu, and tofu is made of legumes, so both can be processed. 

Why should some legumes be forbidden in the clean keto? 

Despite their benefits, legumes are prohibited by the clean keto diet because it is a diet that was created primarily for weight loss. 

For this reason, it eliminated all products that contain sugar or refined foods. Legumes in general are among the processed and starchy foods. 

The clean keto diet has taken into consideration that people need to lose weight while staying healthy, for this, it has eliminated all processed foods. 

But that’s not the only reason why clean keto has eliminated legumes!  Recent studies, in Italy and Canada, have discovered that certain food additives and therefore processed foods can alter the metabolism and therefore prevent weight loss. 

Best alternatives to legumes for clean keto 

Actually poultry and grass-fed beef are excellent sources of iron, magnesium, and vitamins. By having a dish that contains meat with vegetables, you can replace legumes. But you can’t replace one food with another 100%. 

I would love to say that you can replace legumes with nuts, but nuts are also unfortunately eliminated by the clean keto. 

Also, don’t forget that during clean keto, you can eat some of the legumes I mentioned above in reasonable amounts. 

Living without legumes? : Dietitian guidelines

As a dietitian, it’s not healthy to eliminate all legumes.  Instead, choose organic legumes if you want to stay healthy. 

It is recommended to consume legumes such as white beans, red lentils, and broad beans, at least 2 times a week because they bring many benefits! 

Legumes benefits!


It is a very important element to keep your muscles during this low-calorie diet. Besides proteins, magnesium is a nutrient that helps maintain muscles and is also an anti-stress nutrient that helps get rid of sleep disorders. 


Legumes are rich in iron, especially lentils and kidney beans. Although iron from animal sources is of better quality, iron from plants is also important. 

Insoluble dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is very important for gut health and even mental health because it helps to balance the intestinal flora responsible for physical and mental well-being.

Vitamins and minerals  

Finally, for the body to work well, we must bring in all the essential vitamins and minerals, and legumes are very rich in them.

Can I lose weight while eating legumes on clean keto? 

 Of course, if you are on the clean keto diet, you can eat Mung beans, Soybean sprouts, or snow peas, while keeping track of the quantity. 

Legumes will not prevent you from losing weight. You just have to control the quantity and choose the right organic type. 

The traditional keto diet, which even allows legumes, has shown very good results in terms of weight loss. 

The best diets for people that love legumes  

Nutritarian diet 

The nutritarian diet consists of eating 90% ( sometimes 100%, if you want) of vegetables, fruits & nuts, including legumes. It’s a bit of a plant-based diet and only 10% from fish, and you can eat it once in a while meat but not in the first week of the nutritarian diet.

 It’s a very nutritious diet, which aims to bring to your body all the important nutrients you need. Its main objective is to help people to lose weight. To learn more visit: How to eat on the nutritarian diet. 

Macrobiotic diet

The macrobiotic diet is somewhat similar to the clean keto diet, as it recommends whole, vegetables and grains, local veggies, and in-season fruits. It is a diet that aims to increase the lifespan and find balance in your life. 

Plant-based diet 

A plant-based diet is also a great diet for legume lovers. Vegetarian & vegan diets are a part of a plant-based diet. This means in this diet, you’ll only eat foods that are only from plants without engaging in calorie counting. Legumes are a large part of this diet. 

List of legumes People like the most 

The most popular legumes sold are Pinto, navy, great northern, red kidney, black beans, cowpeas, adzuki beans, Anasazi beans, and lima beans.

Pinto beans 

  • 347 calories /100g
  • Proteins: 21g in raw pinto & 9 grams when cooked.
  • Carbs: 62g in raw / 26 when cooked
  • Fat: 1g in raw / 0.3 when cooked
  • Fiber: 15g in raw pinto / 9grams when cooked. 

Conclusion: Pinto beans are low in fat, and high in proteins, but they are not keto because they are high in carbs when they are raw.

 But they have diverse important components for health like vitamin B, magnesium, fiber, and some substances like phenols that are involved in the protection against cardiovascular and arteries diseases. 

Navy beans

Good sources of

  • Protein: 10g in ½ cup
  • Fiber: 7g
  • Potassium 
  • Magnesium 
  • Iron 
  • Carbs : 13g / 100g 

Conclusion: They are a starchy legume, then high in carbs. 

Red kidney 

The great advantage of red kidney beans is that they are a good source of phytonutrients. 

Phytonutrients are organic components that fight against several diseases and improve overall health. 

They are a good source of Protein, calcium, iron, and mineral salts. 

Conclusion: Red kidney beans are high in carbs, so they are not clean keto neither traditional keto. 

Black beans

They are very rich in sodium, Vit A, and C. They are a good source of antioxidants so they may fight against cancer and aging. 

  • Protein: 8 to 9 in
  • Fat : 0
  • Carbs: 20g

Conclusion: They are a great Low fat & high protein food. But not allowed in clean keto cause they contain a good amount of carbs even their different great benefits.


The great advantage that Anasazi beans have, and let people love, is that they are better tolerated& have less gas-causing fiber than other legumes. 

  • Protein: 8g
  • Fat : 0 g 
  • Carbs: 22g 

Conclusion: They are beautiful healthy beans, but maybe GMF ( genetically modified food), is the reason why it’s banned from clean keto apart from being high in carbs. 

Bottom Line 

Finally, among the differences between the traditional keto diet and the new clean keto version is the elimination of legumes because they can be processed, genetically modified, and especially have high carbohydrate levels. 

However, there are some legumes that are tolerated by the clean keto diet but in reasonable amounts. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.