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What The dietitian Has To Say about The Keto Diet

The keto diet is restricted diet in carbs, and in parallel that increases the daily ration of fats.The latter are the nutrients that provide the greatest amount of energy to our body and that can be one of the reasons why some people don’t manage to lose weight through the ketogenic diet.

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What’s exactly a Keto diet?

It’s called the keto diet, because it induces your body to a state of ketosis.  In fact this diet was created to treat childhood epilepsy by providing the smallest amount of carbs. However, lately it has gained its place in the weight loss category.

So in a keto diet you consume very little carbs, and you compensate by eating a lot of fat. I can hear some people saying eating a lot of fat means I’ll get fat. This is not true! 

So first I need to explain to you how our body works in relation to this notion. 

So our body needs energy, for that our cells will use carbs ( particularly “glucose”) as the first source of energy which represents about 50% of the daily ration, and well the keto diet,  will change the data, in this case, it will change fuel, It encourages the body to use ketone bodies as fuel for the cells of our bod. 

Actually our body, when it has no more carbs or glucose at its disposal, will use the fat stored in the reserves, transforming them into carbohydrates with the help of intermediary molecules that are ketone bodies.

 Your body actually needs fat as a building material, but also as fuel for energy. In fact, some people think that by eating less fat, you can lose weight! But no, in fact, to lose weight it is better to eat less sugar first. Indeed, it is a question of quality. 

 In the West, 55% of the population eat more carbs, which means that most people get their calories from sources rich in carbs.

So instead of the 50% of carbs that we used to eat, now they will become between 2 and 5%, so that they can be replaced by 75% and sometimes up to 85% of fat, the rest is occupied by proteins.

Keto diet basics

  • The diet proposes a fixed ratio of food between lipids and non-lipids (carbohydrates + proteins), which varies according to the results observed. The usual ratio is 3/1 (3g of lipids for 1g of carbohydrates + lipids)
  • Dishes are made according to pre-established recipes by weighing all ingredients
  •  The meals are made according to pre-established recipes by weighing all the ingredients.
  • The ration is then calculated according to weight, BMI and other parameters.
  • About 5Og only or less, is the amount of carbs that you should consume per day.
  • Choosing the good fat like ( olive oil, lean meat, fish…)

Keto diet benefits

Fast weight loss

The ketogenic diet allows to use the reserved fat as stock, therefore allows a rapid weight loss, and the results that have proven in recent years in the category of weight loss to allow to classify it better than other hyper protein diets.

Improvement of blood sugar levels and prevention of type 2 diabetes: 

So it is a diet that has less sugar, so the pancreas will be preserved, and blood sugar will be regulated.

Improvement of cardiovascular health

So many of you will find it strange how a high fat diet and better cardiovascular health! Yes you’re right but….

So we know that after the study of Framingham, a study that took place in Massachusetts on a representative population, it studied the relationship between the food habits and certain daily habits and presence of cardiovascular diseases. This has proven that eating too much fat increases heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases.

 However there is a meta analysis (some analyses on a large number of population), have proved that it can improve some cardiovascular diseases (blood pressure normalizes better with a ketogenic diet, triglycerides also.

So when we eat less sugar it is normal that triglycerides improve, on the other hand we have an increase of bad cholesterol, and that today is not proven yet how can preserve cardiovascular health.

But it is important to know that this diet is not rich in saturated fats but there are other fats called “mono and polyunsaturated” (oilseeds, vegetable oils …) and that can explain how the ketogenic diet can improve cardiovascular health.

A satiating diet

1g = 9 calories, which means that fat has a large amount to take from your plate, and simply this explains the satiety you have throughout the day, however you do not eat at will but there is some restriction to succeed in your diet.

Reduced risk of neurological diseases

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. In the United States, for example, the basis of treatment for Alzheimer’s is the ketogenic diet.

Keto diet disadvantages  

A diet that is deeply unbalanced

The keto diet is unbalanced and contradictory with the food pyramid, because our body still needs slow sugars more than our needs in fats, however what made the keto diet possible is the quality of fat that we have to choose during the diet, that is to say, we can choose all the oleaginous grains, olive oil, soy, fish …, which are a good source of fats, however it’s far from being enough, and it does not meet our needs.

Ketogenic flu 

The ketogenic flu is a name for all the unpleasant effects of this diet, especially during the first weeks. 

  • The accumulation of ketones in our body will surely leave consequences and discomfort, such as headaches, a bitter taste in the mouth, and dizziness.
  • Increases the risk of urinary lithiasis
  • Constipation 
  • Risk of hypoglycemia
  • It’s also difficult to follow, since it imposes severe restrictions that can lead to frustration and sometimes depression.

Therefore, the keto diet does carry some dangers that should not be overlooked and the advice of a nutrition professional should be sought before starting this diet.

Which foods are not allowed in the keto diet?

In this diet, the forbidden foods are those containing slow or fast sugars.

  • Bread and cereals
  • Flour-based foods
  • potatoes and all starchy foods 
  • sweet products
  • Corn 
  • Pasta, rice, fruit, and flavored or sweetened milk and milk products.
  • Fruits rich in sugars, bananas, dates, figs, watermelons, melon, and in general fruits are to be limited based on fruits that have a low carbohydrate content.

What cheese is OK with the Keto diet?

A high-fat, high-protein, sugar-free cheese for the ketogenic diet. My favorite is sheep’s milk cheese, which is also more digestible.

In fact, mozzarella and parmesan are also suitable and don’t carry carbohydrates.

How long does keto diet take to work ?

The ketogenic diet for some is not just a diet, but rather a lifestyle, in which case it has no time limit.

In therapeutic cases, once the result is guaranteed, we stop the diet. It can last from a few weeks to more than a year or several years, depending on the results we want to achieve.

In fact, in weight loss, several studies have proven its effectiveness provided that it does not exceed 1 year, on the other hand, ketogenic diets that last up to 5 years can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, it is better in general not to exceed 1 year.

How does Keto diet make you lose weight?

Usually, the body gets its energy from carbohydrates consumed during the day, which are necessary for the body to work properly.

In the ketogenic diet, since carbs are extremely limited, the body begins to draw on its carbs reserves stored in the muscles and liver called “glycogen” reserves.

Since each gram of glycogen is bound to 3-4 grams of water in the body, the significant weight loss at the beginning of the ketogenic diet is largely a loss of water. When glycogen stores are depleted, the body naturally begins to use lipids or fats for energy.

However, when the body uses fat in the absence of carbohydrates, it produces a waste product called ketones. Ketones then begin to accumulate in the bloodstream and their nail polish-like odor becomes noticeable on the breath.

This is the main indicator that the body is in a state of “ketosis”. It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks to reach this state. Ketosis” can be checked by purchasing urine test strips from a pharmacy.

This state of “ketosis” causes a marked decrease in appetite, which contributes to a reduction in the amount of food consumed.

This state can also lead to nausea and fatigue. Although this diet does not focus on calorie counting, those who follow it actually consume fewer calories because they are not hungry and this leads to weight loss.

Why am I  getting fat on a keto diet ?

Keto diet How to lose weight with fat 2

You are not consuming good proteins

 Indee eating meat lamb which is loaded with fat, and there are the so-called high biological value proteins, which are essential for weight loss, they are also found in grass-fed beef, grass-fed chickens and organic chicken, free-range eggs, wild-caught fish, these are the number 1 fat burning foods!

You eat high-calorie meals

It’s true that we said we eat a lot of fat, but that doesn’t mean we eat more than we need! You need to eat a meal that is within the norms between 1500 and 2000 for an adult, and that is enough.

You’re snacking!

Eating all the time and saying I am on Keto diet, that’s not true. Snacking all day with fatty foods,will encourage your body to get used to this rhythm, and then you will bring more calories to your body, and there we are in a vicious circle. 

Check your health habits

Getting enough sleep and physical activity are very important in weight loss. In fact, both improve the activity of our hormones and reduce stress. 

Getting enough sleep makes “leptin”, the satiety hormone, more active.The most important thing in sleeping is not only to sleep 8 or 7 hours, but rather that 23 hours of evening should find us in “dreaming” mode. And sport is an effective stress reducer. Also, drinking enough water is very important in the keto diet.

How to succeed with the Keto diet to get results in weight loss?

The best way to make your keto diet successful is to combine it with intermittent fasting.

Indeed there is a common point between the keto diet and intermittent fasting, it is the fact of having low insulin and low glucose, and this is exactly what helps you lose weight, however there are other advantages that come with intermittent fasting and that makes this diet effective.

Actually when you do fasting, you’re creating an epigenetic effect, epigenetic means “ above genes” which means these genes could be controlled epigenetically.

In other words, fasting creates an effect that turns off the bad genes and turns on the good genes,and that means living longer. That’s the first advantage of intermittent fasting.

Second thing is autophagy. Autophagy is like getting the junk out of the trunk,which means all the damaged proteins in your body will get recycled and turn into brand new cells. That’s a key to look younger when you’re losing weight.

Antioxydants !

Habitually we get antioxidants from food, or our body create them, in this case, our body will create more antioxidants, which is called antioxydant network. 

In addition to that, there are several other advantages that fasting can offer, such as prevention of cancers, as the ketogenic diet is rich in meat, and red meat, which says red meat in excess says cancer, so fasting can save you from the disadvantages of the keto diet.

Is keto diet right for you? a dietician’s opinion 

This diet does not really respect the basic rules of a balanced diet. It excludes many food groups and seems to forget the notion of pleasure.

The withdrawal of cereal products, legumes and fruits can lead to certain deficiencies, notably in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants that play a role in health. However, it is difficult to deny the positive effects that this diet seems to have on health.

If it’s difficult to recommend it for the moment, that’s because of its very restrictive character, many studies in progress should allow us to see a little more clearly in the years to come.

So we can certainly follow the keto diet provided that it is not long term and not more than a year or even a year and a half, but we can associate it with a supplementation in fibers and vitamins, that some foods that are forbidden can bring them. 

Typical keto meal plan : 


  • Coffee + coconut oil
  • Scrambled eggs with paprika


  • Endive salad with nuts
  • Roquefort cheese
  • Confit of duck + green beans

Dinner : 

  • Asparagus
  • Cheese
  • Hot chocolate.


There are some nice things about the keto diet considering the drawbacks it has. As a dietician, if I were to do it, I would be very careful about two things: 

The nature of the fat I would use, I would make it as high in omega 3 as possible. Secondly, I would amplify the fiber in a more astute way by using chicory or Hepar water for example.

However, this is a far from balanced diet that should not last very long, and you should take advice from a nutrition professional before starting this diet.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.

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