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What Makes The Dukan Diet Unbalanced?

Understandably, the Dukan diet is nutritionally unbalanced, it does not respect the nutritional body needs , and is relatively ineffective in the long term, however, it remains very popular.

Dukan Diet Is it healthy

What is the Dukan diet?

It is a high-protein diet low in carbohydrates and lipids. Dr. Pierre Dukan, a nutritionist and specialist in eating behavior, developed this high-protein method, divided into four phases with very precise instructions, over a minimum of 4 weeks.

The main principles of the diet

The diet is the brainchild of French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. The Dukan method was drafted in the 1970s, so it has been proposed for 40 years. It was in 2000 that Mr. Dukan published a book “I don’t know how to lose weight” where the principles of his diet appeared for the first time. The Dukan method is a derivative of high-protein diets.

The method is now spread throughout the world. The books of the Dukan method have been translated into 15 languages and distributed in 30 countries.

A High-Protein Diet Divided Into 4 Phases

The Dukan diet, it is divided into four phases. The duration of each of these phases varies according to the weight to be lost, the sex, the age and the initial weight.

 During the first phase (1 to 10 days), the diet consists almost exclusively of proteins (white meat, fish, seafood, white ham, eggs, dairy products with 0% fat).

Dukan Diet Is it healthy 1

What is the principle of phase 1 of the Dukan diet?

This phase of the Dukan diet starts strong, that’s why when you start, it’s better not to stop on the way. On the menu: lean meats, fish, seafood, eggs and 0% dairy… And all this, as much as you want! But be careful, you must avoid deviations at all costs. These would totally distort the effects. 

The aim here is to stimulate the expenditure of stored fat reserves. Indeed, proteins are more difficult to digest than other nutrients, which is why they are powerful appetite suppressants.

In addition, they reduce cellulite and water retention, because of their water-repellent capacity. This phase also includes oat bran, a food that facilitates transit.

Phase 2: Include vegetables

This phase alternates days of pure protein and days of protein + vegetables. The weight loss is slower, but it lasts as long as the body adapts again. The inclusion of vegetables slows down the impact of pure protein.

But it also makes the diet more comfortable and balanced, because it is full of vitamins, fibers, etc. (especially vitamins that their deficiencies can cause several disorders).  So better for your health.

But be careful! It is still necessary to keep a few days of pure proteins, to maintain the balance of the attack phase.

This diet is based on alternation: 1 day of pure protein/1 day of protein + vegetables. He also advises to resume physical exercise. This can take the form of a thirty-minute walk per day, household chores, etc.

Phase 3 : the consolidation phase :

Previously forbidden foods are now allowed but in moderation. The idea is to eat by the unit, without ever refilling. But for our greatest pleasure, to avoid a feeling of frustration (which restrictive diets can cause), two “gala meals” per week are in fact planned.

During these two food recreations, you can consume all the food that you wish in all freedom. The goal here is to rediscover the notion of pleasure, in order to be able to distinguish between food and greed.

On the other hand, the Dukan diet also recommends a day of pure proteins inherited from the attack phase, to counter the yoyo effect. Physical exercise is always necessary. Various types of food are allowed: fruits, cheeses, and some starchy foods.

Phase 4: Stabilization

The stabilization phase is used to stabilize your weight (after losing your pounds) on the long term

Your excess pounds are now eliminated and the danger of the yo-yo effect is eliminated. In other words, it is up to you to take back the reins of your diet.

It is a question of trusting yourself by prioritizing your food, while exploiting the good habits of the Dukan method. Also, exercises, oat bran and hyper-protein days (one per week is enough), are instructions to respect as long as possible.

Does the Dukan Diet Make You Lose Weight Permanently?

The Dukan diet holds its effectiveness in 6 points of excellence. It is a universal and natural method, based on 100 foods that can be eaten at will, 72 proteins and 28 vegetables.

The use of protein as a satiating nutrient optimizes rapid and effective weight loss, without frustration. The method created by Pierre Dukan is didactic, thanks to its structure in 4 phases.

Scientific evidence is there to support the effectiveness of the diet. An international study published on 17/07/2008 in the New England Journal of Medicine on 322 cases, based on the comparison of 3 diets (a low-fat hypocaloric diet, a Mediterranean-type hypocaloric diet and one without calorie restriction, without sugars and high protein) shows that the most effective diet for losing weight is the third one. This is the case of the Dukan diet.

However, The problem with this diet is that it is not effective in the long term, because it is too restrictive, which makes it difficult to follow in the long term, and therefore it induces the yo-yo effect that will let you regain the weight as soon as the diet is stopped.

What do You Feel during a Dukan diet?

Dukan Diet Is it healthy 2

At the beginning of the diet, you will feel a strange sensation of hunger, this is normal because you have adopted a new way of eating to your body.

During the first phase (protein only), you will feel hungrier and may have difficulty, because there is an important restriction (high protein consumption and low fat and carbohydrates), the main objective is the feeling of satiety that these proteins can bring you. 

Sometimes, and during phase 1, you may feel nervous, seriously hungry, dizzy, lack of concentration, trembling, a frontal sweat, these are the effects of hypoglycemia due to consuming meals very low in carbohydrates and which contain only protein.

What makes the Dukan diet Unbalanced?

The Dukan diet exposes you to fibre deficiencies (on average 10 times less than the recommended nutritional intake) and vitamin C deficiencies and to overconsumption of iron, sodium and proteins of course. 

As for sodium intake (salt), it is twice as high during the attack phase as the limit recommended by the WHO (5 g of salt per day, i.e. nearly 2000 mg of sodium).

And these imbalances are not without consequences for health: “Hyperprotein diets” ( high protein diets that are not low-calorie) induce intakes that exceed the threshold of satisfactory intakes.

Consequently, a renal assessment is necessary in subjects at risk of renal failure, before any diet. Because a high protein intake can cause renal damage.

What are the Foods To Eat in the Dukan diet?

  • Lean meats
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Seafood
  • Vegetable proteins
  • Dairy with 0% fat
  • Eggs
  • Green vegetables 
  • Konjac
  • Goji berries
  • Rapeseed and olive oil

Foods to limit

  • Fruits
  • Oilseeds
  • Oils and fats (other than rapeseed and olive oils).
  • Dairy products other than 0% milk
  • Sweets
  • Cookies
  • Viennese pastries
  • Fried food
  • Industrial dishes
  • Starches

Are there any Risks?

In addition to the signs I have already mentioned, people who follow this diet may experience certain side effects such as headaches, menstrual cycle disturbances, kidney fatigue (which is why you need to drink a lot of water), orthostatic hypotension due to the low sodium intake, night cramps and muscle weakness due to the lack of potassium.

Generally speaking, each nutrient has an essential role and its absence can have harmful effects on our health.

Should We Take Supplements?

 Although Mr. Dukan recommends taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement, this does not compensate for the lack of nutrients that are naturally found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and which have many protective effects on health.

The disadvantages of Dukan diet: 

The first disadvantage that people fear is the yoyo effect. This is simply because the Dukan diet is very restrictive, and it can lead to weight regain after the diet is stopped.

  • Limited variety of foods in the first phases
  • Difficult to follow in the long term
  • High risk of deficiencies
  • Very frequent yo-yo effect
  • Unpleasant side effects 

 Dukan diet: Dietitan’s opinion

The dangers of the Dukan diet have been developed for several years by several health professionals. The excessive consumption of proteins causes kidney damage, and the restriction of other food groups can cause deficiencies that can unbalance our body.

At no time does this method advocate good eating habits: listening to people’s feelings and body, physical activity, healthy cooking, etc. Finally, this diet leads to an almost systematic regaining of the lost weight.

Sample Menu for the Attack Phase: 

As the choice of foods is limited in Phase 1 ( attack phase) I will help you through this menu of the day to choose your healthy foods.


  • Unsweetened coffee or tea
  • 1 to 2 yoghurt 0% fat
  • 1 egg


  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Chicken breast
  • Cottage cheese and herb sauce
  • Fruit yogurt 0% fat

Snack at 5pm 

  • 2 slices of turkey breast


  • White fish
  • 0% yogurt
  • After 2 hours: tea without sugar.

Conclusion : 

Finally, the Dukan diet is one of the most famous high-protein diets for weight loss in the world. It is divided into 3 main phases and allows a spectacular weight loss from the first days of the diet. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases the weight loss does not last. Moreover, this method does not seem to be harmless in the long term.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.