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 What dairy to eat during each phase of the Dukan diet?

Here is a full list of dairy to eat during each phase of the Dukan diet, including plant-based milk. It is necessary to follow their USE RULES recommended by Dr. Dukan. 

What dairy to eat during each phase of the Dukan diet 1

Phase 1 Dukan diet dairy products list 

Lean dairy without sugar and without fat are allowed in limited quantities during the attack phase of the Dukan diet, as well as some dairy products. 

1- Lean dairy products 


During phase 1 of the Dukan diet, only plain yogurt with 0% fat is allowed according to Dr Dukan’s principle.

How much yogurt during the attack phase of the Dukan diet? 

The diet Dukan recommends consuming 800 g of dairy products (maximum) per day, it is up to you to choose how to spread them. But it is necessary to vary the choice and not to take advantage only of the yogurt as some do it because any food is different from the other even if they are in the same group. 

I will give you an example of 800 g of dairy per day during phase 1 of dukan diet 

  • 3 cups of yoghurt will give you 375g
  • 200g of cottage cheese 
  • 1 cup of lean skimmed milk will give you 200 g

This is almost equal to 800g of dairy per day. 

Cottage cheese 

Cottage cheese is also among the 72 foods allowed during the attack phase of the Dukan diet. Just make sure not to exceed 800g of dairy products per day. 


The cheeses in faisselle are among the dairy products also authorized in the attack phase of Dukan diet. 

Pack square

The pack square is 3 times more protein than the milk it is for that that it is a food purely protein perfect to consume during the attack phase of diet Dukan. However, it must always be natural and with 0% MG. It is available in three flavors; Garlic, fine grass, and pepper. 

Swiss cheese with 0% MG

The Swiss cheese during the phase of attack of diet Dukan must be exclusively protein, that ‘s to say, 0% MG nor sugar. However, it arrives that some sometimes will find only 3% or 3.8%. In this case and according to the principles of Dr. Dukan, they must be excluded, in case of consumption, to decrease the quantity. 

2- Flan 

The flan that you find in the organic store without sugar is authorized during the Dukan diet to be cooked with skimmed milk and sweetener (to take up to 25cl of skimmed milk per day). It is not necessary, because several people can be satisfied without it. However, it is a food that will make your diet fun. 

Avoid Blue cheese, goat cheese, and soft cheese.

3- Skimmed milk (pure milk)

Powdered or fresh or preserved. Limited to 25cl per day.

4-Powder Skimmed milk 

Powdered milk (always skimmed) is allowed during the first phase just enough to prepare your dessert, the equivalent of 3 to 4 tbsp/day.

5- 0% yogurt plan, flavored 

Dr. Dukan did not specify the quantity of each of the dairy products, the most important for him is not to exceed 800g / day of dairy products whatever they are, the essential they must be mentioned in the list of foods allowed during the attack phase.

6- fat-free sour cream 0%.

Phase 2 Dukan diet dairy products list  

During phase 2 of the Dukan diet, also called the cruise phase, we can continue with the dairy products already authorized in the attack phase by adding some dairy products. 

1- actimel 0% 

  • You can introduce it during your breakfast from the 2nd phase of the Dukan diet.  
  • Condensed non-fat-sugar milk is also allowed from the cruise phase of the Dukan diet.

2- Cheese

  • 0% fruity white cheese: tolerated limited to 2 per day
  • Liquid cheese with a maximum of 7% of fat, the ideal is to mix it with your vegetables, provided that it does not exceed 40g /day and only twice a week!
  • Low-fat cheese: No more than 7% fat.
  • Low-fat Brousse at 4%, no more than 30g per day
  • Ricotta and fresh ricotta: they are part of the dairy products and foods tolerated in phase 2 of the Dukan diet but it is limited to 30g per day.

3- Creams

  • Soy cream: limited to 2 tablespoons per day or 60g
  • Thick cream lightened to 3% in brick, Tolerated limited to 2 tbsp per day or 60g.
  • Light cream with 3% fat: limited to 1 tablespoon (or 30g) 
  • Sour cream with only 4% fat. maximum 100g/d.

3- Yogurt 

  • Plain soy yogurt: tolerated, limited to 1. 
  • 0% fruit yogurt: tolerated limited to 1 pot of yogurt /day. 

Note: When you consume fruity yogurt, be sure that you do not consume 6g of carbohydrates in 100g. 

4- Coconut and almond milk: 10cl / week

Avoid Soft cheese, blue cheese goat cheese. 

Evaporated skimmed milk with 0% is not allowed, only if its not more than 2 tbsp /day ( for recipe use). 

Phase 3 

  •  During the third phase of the Dukan diet, also called the “consolidation phase”, the dairy products of the previous phase are still allowed with other dairy products to be added. 
  • Cooked cheese: at 20%MG every day up to 40g
  •  Avoid blue cheese, soft cheese or goat’s cheese.

The consolidation phase allows you to have 2 gala days per week, Gala meals are normal meals composed of a starter, a main dish, a portion of cheese or a dessert and accompanied or not by a glass of wine. 

During these meals, all foods are allowed. However, it is recommended that you do not eat more than you need. 

Phase 4 

Phase 4 of the Dukan diet is the stabilization phase. Its aim is to maintain your current weight and avoid the yo-yo effect. The dairy products during phase 4 of the Dukan diet are very varied and multiple compared with the preceding phases however take care to consume a better quality. 

You can reintroduce the dairy products to be avoided during the previous phases and consume them gradually like goat cheese, blue cheese, and soft cheese. 

However, it is always necessary to avoid processed foods and therefore over-processed and refined yogurt.

which dairy products are highest in carbs?

Fruity or flavored yogurt, are the dairy product richest in sugar. Apart from lactose and whey, a natural sugar, the sweetness brought by the flavored yogurt and fruits can be a supplement. During the Dukan diet, it is strongly preferable to consume plain yogurt. 

What dairy to be avoided during dukan diet ?

  • Dieters are instructed to avoid cooking fats, including all oils, butter, and margarine. Bran and Fluids. 
  • During the Dukan diet, you should also avoid yogurt with added sugar and more than 20% MG in the stabilization phase. 
  • Camembert cheese

Is whey dukan?

It is part of the dairy products prohibited during the Dukan diet. However, if you do bodybuilding, it is possible to consume it as a supplement only from the stabilization phase. 

Protein shakes are not allowed even from the stabilization phase of the Dukan diet, because this diet , its main goal is teaching people to eat properly. 

Best Dukan diet snack with dairy products

A snack of dairy product and recommended in the afternoon. You can have 0% yogurt with an oat bran Dukan cake. And why not an ice cream made with skimmed milk.

Bottom line 

Dairy products during the Dukan diet are allowed as long as they respect the content of fat in them, and are without added sugar, that is to say natural. 

From the stabilization phase you can reintroduce progressively and eat a little of everything but always choose the good quality of your dairy products, that is to say unprocessed and plain. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.