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The 4 Risks of long-term paleo diet 

The paleo diet excludes whole-grain foods in an unnecessary way. Scientifically, this elimination may negatively affect the colon and the digestive tract in the long term.

How long should a paleo diet last?

The Paleolithic diet was originally created as a LIFESTYLE. This means that the paleo diet must be practiced for life. But regarding health, it should not last more than 6 months. 

Each restrictive diet, depending on the degree of its severity, should not last more than a specific period of time. 

Why that’s how it should be? The diets in fact that modify your eating habits risk to unbalance your microbiota (intestinal flora). And then can affect your mental health and decrease your immunity. 

This scientific research indicates that low-carb diets such as the paleo diet can have negative consequences if followed over the long term such as a change in the satiety hormone (leptin) which can be decreased.

4 risks of long-term paleo diet 

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Frustration and loss of motivation

It is very hard to live in a modern society and eat like our ancestors! The paleo diet requires brutal and sudden restrictions for those who want to follow it.

 This will automatically lead to frustration and a desire to eat more and especially to demotivation (desire to stop the diet). Because a change in lifestyle requires a lot of time and an entourage that lives like us on a paleo diet.  

Sleeping disorders 

Magnesium! It is the stress and sleep nutrient. Starchy foods and whole grains bring a lot! but they are removed from the paleo diet. Scientists still haven’t found the reason to remove whole grains from the paleo diet.

Different food quality than our ancestors  

We should not forget that today’s foods do not necessarily have the same nutritional quality as in the Paleolithic era. An overconsumption of red meat and sausages today can have important consequences for health in the long term.


Some important foods eliminated by the paleo diet are such as legumes; lentils, chickpeas, white beans,are very rich in magnesium, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. There is absolutely no way to replace this richness. 

They remain essential foods for our physical and moral well-being. if we follow the paleo diet for life, or for a very long time, our body will feed on our reserves (mineral salts of our bones), and as we age, we will feel the disadvantages of this restriction.

Weight loss results by following the paleo diet in the long term 

In fact, weight loss depends on several factors, the diet you are used to follow before starting the paleo diet, your current weight, your metabolic rate, etc. But on average you can lose up to 11 pounds in the first month

The elimination of starchy foods by the paleo diet and processed foods is the main reason for weight loss. In addition, the consumption of protein-rich foods makes the diet easier because proteins have a satiating effect. But, the disadvantage is that you will regain the lost weight if you stop the diet. 

How to not regain weight after a short-term paleo diet? 

The disadvantage of the paleo diet in the short term is that when the paleo diet is interrupted, it is common to see a weight regain. Indeed, the end of the diet often goes with reintroducing sugary and industrial products. To avoid gaining weight again, it is important to maintain a predominantly plant-based diet rich in quality lean proteins.

Short term paleo diet results

the paleo diet is not meant to be followed in the short term. It was created to be a lifestyle like that of our ancestors. Because once the paleo diet is interrupted, the weight lost will be regained. So for people who want to lose weight, the paleo diet does not work in the short term. 

How much weight can we lose with a short term paleo diet? 

Research conducted on the paleo diet over the short term has shown very good health results, including weight loss, blood pressure regulation and improved heart health and  physical performance for athletes. However, even if it is a short-term diet, you should consult a nutritionist before starting it, especially if you are an athlete.

Short term effect of paleo diet on cardiovascular diseases 

the omega 3’6 are consumed in sufficient quantities and can be found in the recommended paleo diet foods such as nuts, fish and seafood. These omegas are very beneficial for cardiovascular health. In addition, this diet eliminates the bad quality of fats and processed foods so we can notice in a short time a better lipid balance.And that will improve cardiovascular health. 

Short-term paleo diet effect on blood pressure 

The paleo diet does not focus on the amount of salt to be consumed per day, but cutting out processed foods that have a lot of added salt such as sausage, camembert and other processed foods will help in regulating blood pressure because they carry a lot of salt. 

As well, high blood pressure can be a secondary disease to another heart disease such as blood clots. In this case, the paleo diet can also reduce the risk of heart disease and avoid complications.

Short-term VS Long-term paleo diet?

Let’s assume that the short-term paleo diet is less than 6 months, and the long-term paleo diet lasts more than 6 months. 

The most researched studies are those on the short-term paleo diet which have stated the advantages and disadvantages of the paleo diet. As for the long-term paleo diet, the research could not be done for more than 2 years.

Short-term paleo diet Long-term paleo diet 
Muscle mass gain for athletesDecreased physical performance for athletes
Digestive disorder at the beginning only, then, normalization of gut functions.Intestinal function recovery (in some people)
Possible relief of some autoimmune diseases: celiac disease, dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, sclerosis, Gougerot-Sjögren syndromePossible relief of certain autoimmune diseases: celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Gougerot-Sjögren syndrome
Improved overall healthDecline in general health
Weight lossWeight loss
Yoyo effectGenerally long term weight loss but the yoyo effect is possible
Reduction of fatigueFatigue and sleep disorder
DeficienciesSevere nutritional deficiencies
Decrease cholesterol blood levelsMay increase cholesterol and TG blood levels in the long term. 

Bottom Line

The paleo diet remains a diet that is not recommended in the dietetic or medical law but, it is a diet that has proven to be effective, but we must not neglect the disadvantages on the short term and the long term.I think it can be interesting to be inspired by some great principles of this diet, without falling into the extreme.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.