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The 30 whole foods List of Clean Keto 

The complete guide of allowed and forbidden foods in the clean keto version: Proteins, a list of vegetables & fruits, PANTRY, cooking oils, seeds, oilseed fruits, and forbidden foods. 

List of proteins

Grass-fed eggs

Clean keto recommends eating grass-fed eggs,  in moderation.  You can take 3 to 4 eggs a day. 

Grass-fed beef 

As clean keto recommends better quality food than traditional keto, grass-fed beef is the best recommended by clean keto. 


Venison is a perfect clean keto, it’s low in fat & carbs, and high in good quality protein, especially when it’s grass-fed. 

Other sources of protein for clean keto: 

  • Grass-fed chicken 
  • Turkey
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Bison 
  • Elk
  • Seafood 
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List of Vegetables 

Here is a list of veggies allowed on clean keto according to their carbs content. 

Veggies have the lowest carb content Veggies with moderate carbs content
Cucumber, Broccoli Rabe < 1g, Celery < 1g, Bok Choy, Ginger Garlic, Mustard, Greens,  Avocado, Asparagus, Spinach
Lettuce, Radish,  Radicchio, Zucchini, Arugula, Swiss, Chard
Collard greens: 2g, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Bell pepper, cabbage, Rhubarb, Artichoke, hearty broccoli, Green beans, Fennel,  Okra, Mung Bean, Bean Sprouts  Turnips, Snow Peas, Kale, Yellow Squash,  Brussels Sprouts, Scallions,  Pumpkin,  Rutabaga, Celery Root.
Carrots, Beets, Onion Leeks, Parsnip Acorn squash, Butternut Squash, potatoes & sweet potatoes 

Note: Veggies with higher carbs content should be eaten in moderation and the main thing is that they should be organic. 

All Fruits Allowed in the clean Keto

The clean keto diet allows almost no fruit because they are sweet. However, lime and lemon are the fruits authorized in the clean keto diet. Blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries are allowed but in moderation.

Note: The avocado is a vegetable, so it is among the permitted vegetables mentioned in the chart below. 

List of fat & Cooking 

Plant-based fat 

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Olive oil
  • Palm Oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Sesam oil
  • Avocado oil

Animal fat 

  • Ghee ( Clarified Butter)
  • Plain Greek Yoghurt 
  • Cheese ( Avoid cows’ milk cheese)
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Duck Fat
  • Pork Fat
  • Beef Fat
  • MCT oil. 


  • Cacao or cacao powder 100%
  • Coconut butter
  • Canned coconut milk & cream
  • All nuts butter except peanut butter
  • Almond & coconut flour
  • All kinds of mustard
  • Organic whole baking powder
  • Canned: Tuna, salmon, sardines, anchovies
  • Tapioca starch
  • Grass-Fed meat steaks 
  • All vinegar except Malt
  • Olive
  • Tomato pastes
  • Roasted red peppers 
  • Pork panko ( 0 carbs) 
  • Canned low-carb vegetables without additives 
  • Sugar-free jerky 

Note: Choose always organic products, without any sweetener, flavors, or artificial colors. 

Clean Keto Drinks 


97% of coffee in the world is nonorganic and grown with pesticides and other additives. Coffee beans that take longer to mature are more likely to be organic.


All natural herbal teas are permitted but beware of certain herbs that may not be suitable for an individual, such as ginger, which may increase cholesterol levels. If not, tea should be drunk 2 hours after a meal, as it may minimize the absorption of certain nutrients. 

Mineral & sparkling or soda water

Actually, sparkling and soda water have the same content and they are both allowed on the clean Clean keto. 

Is Bone broth clean keto? 

It is true that it is among the permitted foods, but be aware that it can be harmful to people with heart disease or high cholesterol levels in the blood. Also, the quality of bone broths differs depending on the animal. The best quality bone broth is grass-fed beef & grass-fed chicken. 

Clean Keto Baking

  • Almond & Coconut Flour
  • Cacao nibs
  • Raw Cacao powder 
  • Baking Yeast

What spices when You’re in clean Keto?

All organic spices are allowed as long as they do not contain added sugar. You must also be sure of the quality of the spices you use because, in clean keto, they must be organic. If you have doubts, buy them in pieces and grind them at home using an electric spice blender. 

Forbidden Foods in Clean Keto 

  • Dairy Products: Cow dairy is forbidden, but other cheese is allowed as long it’s natural.
  • Grains 
  • Gluten
  • Rice
  • Beans & Peas
  • Real or artificial syrup
  • Processed foods
  • Peanuts
  • Sweetened Foods & drinks: Like energy drinks, juices, smoothies, soda & diet soda. 

Foods To Eat in Moderation on Clean Keto 

  • Stevia
  • Honey
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Erythritol
  • Fruits: Blueberries, Blackberries, and raspberries. 

How much sugar is on clean keto?

In the clean keto diet, you are only allowed 25g of carbs/day. Unlike the traditional keto diet which allows up to 50g of carbohydrates/day. 

To know more: Normal Keto VS Clean keto 

What chocolate is allowed on Clean Keto?

Chocolate is a sweetener, and food that can contain gluten, that’s why it is strictly forbidden in the clean keto. However, gluten-free dark chocolate that is made from 100% dark cocoa is allowed.

For example, chocolate is made 100%  from the cocoa of tonka beans. 

But be aware to not exceed 25g of carbs/day. 

A single square of chocolate which is 4g contains 2 to 3g of carbohydrates. 

Bottom Line 

The clean keto diet is an improved version and subclass of the traditional keto diet. During the clean keto diet, you must pay attention to the quality of food, they must be mostly organic and unprocessed, keeping the principle of the keto diet in general which is ketosis by almost removing sugar. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.