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Skipping & Diet For weight loss program!

Does skipping help you lose weight?

15 minutes of skipping is the equivalent of 30 minutes of running. Yes, Skipping help you lose weight and it is an exellent exercise for those who want to maintain their physical shape and sculpt their body without too many constraints.

Why skipping helps in weight loss?

“skipping, your number one fat burning accessory,” says Tik Tok athlete Steven Fairn,  “The exercise stimulates the lower body by toning the calves and thighs. Naturally, the upper body is girded.

This exercise solicits your arms, the stomach strap and allows to refine its shape. According to him, 10 minutes of skipping rope is equivalent to 30 minutes of jogging. Convinced by the benefits of this practice, he repeats, “skipping is your best ally for weight loss… with burpees”.

So logically yes you can lose weight by skipping  since it burns calories. If you skip rope three times for two minutes, you are already in a very interesting calorie burning activity.

The proof is that boxers regulate their weight to enter their category thanks to the skipping.

What are the benefits of skipping ?

It’s good to tell you that skipping is a very complete exercise, used in many sports, whether amateur or professional, it will help you of course to improve your cardiovascular health, your breath, your coordination, your balance, the mobility and the management of your body in space, improve your posture, but especially to tone your muscle tone and burn a maximum of calories.

Basically, it’s all in one piece of equipment. But let’s be clear that it is an exercise that can be very challenging and a little bit confusing, especially at the beginning. 

What’s the right way to do skipping to lose weight?

 The first base is the choice of the skipping rope.

There are countless brands and ranges of skipping ropes, the most important thing is to choose the right one for you according to your objectives and your level (amateur, professional), I recommend the very thin speed rope (which is used to work on speed).

So the main advantage of this rope is that you can adjust it (the length is adjustable according to your height).

This is great because you don’t need to worry about which rope and which size to choose…etc, so this one fits everyone.

The second advantage is the handles that this string has, they are very ergonomic and very practical and very light so it would be easy to start the rotation thanks to its wrists, the only disadvantage is that they are not strings that are made for beginners.

So if you are a beginner, besides that is why they are called speed strings because you will start to work on your speed from where the basics are mastered, so they are not recommended for you.

For beginners I recommend a boxer’s rope, with which you can feel the movements and that it is mounted on a bearing, and this bearing will allow at the time of the rotation to make a minimum of effort at the level of the arms simply thanks to a movement of the wrist, that you can discover the ors of the exercise.

You can simply, this curve is applicable by everyone that is beginner or advanced.

In this curve you can easily manage the speed contrary to the one that we have already talked about above. 

How do you know if the rope is right for you?

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So for beginners, after choosing your rope, open it and attach it over your two feet. 

Then, make sure that you have the same length of rope on both the left and right sides that you grab with both hands.

And once you have the wrists of the rope in both hands, the languor is the same in both sides, and you have tightened your feet by clicking on the rope, you will pass both wrists under the armpits, and if you see that the wrists reach your armpits is that the rope is made for you.

Should I warm up before skipping ?

Obviously, skipping is a heavy exercise where it’s easy to make false gestures and touch your bones or muscles, because we hit them suddenly by a hard ground, which will shock our blood circulation that has been at rest, so our body can not do this kind of heavy exercise without warm-ups.

Warm up from head to toe for 10 minutes.

And don’t forget to keep your breath balanced and stable. Breathe in and out well during the exercise.

How many skips per day to lose weight?

Take it slowly. The goal is not to wear yourself out, nor to disgust you. At first, try to go one minute without stopping, then two minutes, etc.

Think about the recovery phases. 

For example, skip for two minutes and take a 20-second break between sets. Beginners are advised to “skip” only every other day. Increase the rhythm of skipping and the duration is simply  as soon as you feel more comfortable. The aim? 15-minute sessions.

For beginners, practice skipping for as long as possible without stopping. To get your body used to skipping, start by setting small goals: 2 to 3 minutes without interruption.

For the first few sessions, do small skips with your feet together, skipping twice between each pass of the rope.

Keep your goal in mind and don’t get discouraged if you get your feet caught in the rope.

This is a stage that all practitioners go through in the beginning, and persevering will allow you to skip properly for longer.

Once you can skip for 3 minutes without tripping, start gradually increasing your sessions until you reach 30 minutes, regularly and without interruption.

To lose belly fat quickly, schedule up to 6 sessions per week without going overboard.

Why I am not losing weight by skipping?

So you should first know that skipping rope works almost all the muscles of the body, and for the muscles that are directly and brutally fixed, like thigh muscles and back muscles, skipping rope is an effective way to build muscle too, which is the important point in the question asked.

In our body we have two main masses: the muscular mass which are the muscles, and the fat mass which is the fat.

So when you are obese or overweight, and you have a remarkable fat mass, you should strictly avoid skipping in this case, because by doing weight training or skipping, you will transform your fat mass into muscle mass, knowing that the muscle mass weighs much more than the fat mass!

So if you put yourself on a scale you will surely have noticed a figure that is either stable or more than before. 

What is the solution in this case?

I always ask my patients who are obese or overweight to avoid training with moderate or severe intensity, since this will transform their fat into muscle, which will prevent them from losing weight.

In fact, this is not the only cause for obese people. In fact, obese people are more prone to injuries and false moves from skipping  than others.

So the best solution is to follow a balanced, calorie-controlled diet to lose weight, starting with walking.

After getting results and losing weight, then you probably need to build up your body and your skin that is loose after losing weight, so that is where you need to start skipping.

However, for those who are no more than 13 pounds, which is a very slight overweight, you can start directly with skipping , the same thing for people who have a normal weight, and who practice skipping as a passion you don’t need to start with another light sport or take precautions.

Does skipping slim the thighs?

Yes! as I explained to you above, when you lose weight, you will certainly have traces of silhouette in the thighs, so skipping in this case, is an effective way not only to reduce cellulite, but also to refine the shape, hips and even buttocks, and don’t forget the arms too! will be muscular too because you’re not only working the inferior part of your body but also your arms.

Can I lose belly fat by skipping  

To lose belly fat quickly, practicing a sport activity is a real plus, even a must. And among the most effective indoor sports activities, skipping is in good place.

Skipping has many advantages for all those who practice it.

Indeed, by skipping, you can burn a lot of calories and lose the excess fat that often accumulates in the belly very quickly.

For your information, 30 minutes of skipping could allow you to burn more than 550 calories, while half an hour of running would not burn more than 400 calories.

Also, skipping rope allows you to develop your muscles, especially in the arms, legs, back and abdominal muscles, which are very solicited during each session.

You can thus obtain a flat and muscular belly.

Skipping is an excellent way to develop your endurance by working your breath in a much more important way than running or swimming for example. It is these different assets that explain why boxers do it so regularly.

How does skipping take to see results?

Some people take up skipping as a passion to keep their fitness always active, however skipping allows you to see results, so once you observe that you have achieved your results, you have lost fat, and you have muscled your body, that I think is enough.

A point not to be missed! 

Never practice skipping without warming up and with bare feet or socks! 

Also, avoid the converse which is flat, and choose sneakers a little bulging to avoid injuries, because it is dangerous because of the effect of gravity on our weight that can cause strong injuries even at the level of the spine. 

Skipping vs walking to lose weight: dietician’s perspective 

Does skipping help you to lose weight 1

I think I’ve already talked to you a bit about this above. Indeed, walking is also a good way to burn fat, even abdominal fat, which is also simple.

You can choose both to lose weight, however the difference lies in the intensity of skipping.

So if you are obese, I recommend you to walk first, it is easier, and less dangerous for you, because in the law of skipping rope, the greater your overweight, the more frequent the danger of injuries during skipping.

Not only that, but you also risk turning your fat into the muscle which will prevent you from losing weight, and you will stay obese because you have gained muscle mass without losing weight first. 

So for those who are obese or severely overweight, I recommend that you first do a balanced diet and walk in parallel, after you manage to lose weight and get out of cases of obesity, you can absolutely start skipping and continue your way, to build muscle.

Conclusion : 

So absolutely that skipping will help you burn calories and therefore lose weight, of course by respecting the conditions of its practice.

And despite the disadvantages that this sport has, and its high risk of injuries and false gestures, we can not neglect its advantages since it is not only used to lose weight, but also to strengthen your body, to refine your figure, both lower limbs and even upper.

As with any other sport practice, skipping rope requires following a well-established and proven program in order to obtain results quickly and to avoid possible injuries.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.