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Paleo vs keto to lower cholesterol and TG?

The advantage of the paleo diet over the keto diet is that it is a low-sodium diet, without alcohol and processed foods and fats, which will effectively reduce cholesterol blood levels. 

Paleo vs keto to lower cholesterol? 

Indeed, the paleo diet is a very healthy diet that can lower cholesterol levels. Still, the keto diet has also been proven in several studies to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. So which one is more effective for people who want to reduce cholesterol levels? 

The paleo diet is more effective in fighting cholesterol levels for several reasons

Processed foods

Unlike the keto diet which gives you a choice to eat certain processed foods, the paleo diet removes processed and industrial fat and all processed foods! Thus, some additives and enhancers that harm heart health are eliminated, which is very healthy. 


A scientific study on mice has shown that the disadvantages of alcohol are more frequent than its positives. Alcohol is totally eliminated on the paleo diet but low carbohydrate alcohol can be consumed on the keto diet.

It is best to eliminate it altogether from your diet, except for organic and low-carb wine as long as it is no more than 2 glasses/day. 

long-term results 

The long term results of choelsterol are different between the keto diet and the paleo diet.  

In a two-year dietary experiment, the paleo diet improved triglyceride, LDL and total cholesterol levels. The effects were very noticeable after six months and were maintained and further improved after two years.

On the other hand, it has been shown that cholesterol levels can be increased in some people who continue with the keto diet for a very long time. 

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Pelo vs keto to lower triglycerides? 

In fact, not only fatty foods can increase triglycerides. Carbohydrates too can cause high triglycerides. The keto diet is a low-carb diet that can help lower triglycerides. But the paleo diet is also a low-carb diet. So is the paleo or keto diet better for reducing triglycerides

The paleo diet is definitely the best. Because it pays more attention to the quality of the food we eat. It removes all foods that contain refined or industrial sugar and complex carbohydrates. 

The only sugar it allows is the fruit! Fruits are highly recommended to prevent heart diseases  because of their high antioxidant content, and eating enough fruits and vegetables is part of a healthy diet for heart health.

How long to see results on cholesterol with the paleo diet and keto ? 

As I said before, the paleo diet has long term effects. You can notice good results after 6 months and if you continue with the diet, the good results will last up to 2 years.

Compared to the keto diet, the results may change from each person to another but at the first 6 months you may notice that the triglycerides increase for some reason. To understand more: Keto diet and triglycerides.

Paleo food vs keto food list 

FoodLean meatFishMilkseafoodeggsfruits veggiesoilsgrainsLegumesdairy
Keto XXX
Paleo XXXX

According to the comparison table between the paleo diet and the keto diet above, we can understand that the paleo diet is very close to the keto diet, except that the paleo diet seems more balanced because it offers more choices compared to the keto diet precisely “fruits” which are very important in our diet because they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Is combining paleo with the keto diet better? 

 you cannot combine the paleo diet with the keto diet because both have almost the same characteristics so there is no point.

You just have to choose one of them according to your goal. Weight loss is achieved simply with both diets, but if you want to lose weight while staying healthy the paleo diet is better balanced and healthy.

What’s the difference between the paleo and keto diets? 

The previous table explains the difference. Both diets are in fact low carbohydrate diets. However, the paleo diet pays more attention to food quality than the keto diet. 

  • As you can see, fruits are allowed on the paleo diet but the only fruit allowed on the keto diet is the avocado.
  • Low fat dairy products are allowed on the keto diet but not on the paleo diet. 
  • The keto diet is low in carbohydrates and high in fat and protein. 
  • The paleo diet is only low in carbohydrates.

The new subclass of keto diet called “clean keto” is also a corrected version with more restrictions.

Clean keto vs paleo diet? 

The clean keto version is very strict and very difficult to follow compared to the paleo diet. The paleo diet is less strict and gives more choices, especially fruits which are very essential in the human diet due to their many benefits. 

What does a paleo meal plan look like? 


  • Chia seed pudding with coconut milk 
  • green salad seasoned with olive oil and lemon
  • Fruits


  • Seasonal vegetable soup
  • Grilled chicken breast
  • Grilled zucchini with herbs of Provence
  • A fresh fruit


  • Asian shrimp, mint and green vegetable soup
  • homemade fruit juice

Note: as you have noticed, dinner during the paleo diet is based on soups and must be light. The three main meals of the paleo diet must include a fruit

to know more: paleo diet

What does a keto diet meal plan look like? 


  • mixed oleaginous fruits with Greek yogurt 
  • green salad with fat-free pork
  • white cheese 


  • Roast beef (150 g)
  • Green salad (100 g) and grated red cabbage (50 g)
  • 5 black olives
  • Vinegar dressing (2 to 3 tbsp.) 


  • Salmon 
  • Asparagus 
  • Green salad
  • Vinaigrette (1 to 2 tbsp.)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • Hard cheese 40 g

Bottom Line 

Finally, it is not necessary to follow only one of the two diets, the paleo or the keto diet, to lower  blood triglycerides or cholesterol levels. A simple healthy and balanced diet can help you while organizing your meals, and improving your lifestyle, such as getting enough sleep and regular physical activity. However, if you have to choose, the paleo diet is preferable. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.