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 Non Starchy Beans Allowed on Paleo Diet 

Legumes and beans in the paleo diet are the same recommended by clean keto, which are: mung beans, Soybeans sprout and black beans because they have better quality 

How can beans be included in paleo diet? 

Rich in fiber ! 

Beans must be rich in fibre because beans that are low in fibre are not healthy beans and they must be proceessed . They must have a sufficient level of dietary fiber, given their importance for digestive and cardiovascular health. Healthyone cup of  cooked beans may provide us up to 15 g of fiber.

Beans eaten in the paleolithic era

  The paleo diet based on eating  only the foods our ancestors used to eat. This list of beans below, is forbidden by the paleo diet because according to scientists they weren’t eaten by our ancestors, they have been just proceesed and modified : 

  • Lentils
  • Peanuts 
  • Cheakpeas, 
  • White beans, Pinto beans, Kidney beans, Cannellini beans, White Adzuki beans, Soybeans and Broad beans

List of paleo diet beans

Only non processed and non starchy  beans with high quality beans are allowed in paleo diet which are rare, but already exist since the paleolithic area. 

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1- Mung beans 

Also called green gram or yellow gram, mung beans are a good paleo food, and are best eaten raw, added to your salad, because cooking them increases their carbohydrate content. If not, their glycemic index is low, so their sugar content has no real impact on weight, as they are very rich in fiber, which is satiating and helps with weight loss. 

Mung beans facts 

  • 100 g uncooked mung beans bring 
  • 20 to 30 g of carbs.
  • 15g fiber
  • 14g good-quality protein 
  • Traces of fat
  • They are also rich in magnesium (which is the stress hormone) and zinc.

How much per day ?

Mung beans should not be eaten in excess. a cup a day of mung beans is too much because it can bring much carbs . So a max of 100g per day of mung bean is sufficient

  •  First, because they are rich in dietary fibre which, if consumed in excess, can cause digestive problems, as any excessive consumption of dietary fibre is risky.
  • second, although mung beans are low-carb food, they still contain a quantity of sugar that, if consumed in excess, becomes high, which is not recommended by the paleo diet. 

How to eat them?

To benefit from all the nutrients they contain, it’s best to eat them raw, adding them to your salad bowl. If you have digestive problems such as gastritis or an irritable bowel, it’s best to cook them and eat them in a sauce with meat or as a soup! 

2-Soybeans sprout  

  • Very low in carbohydrates: 4 to 6g 
  • Fat-free 
  • Very low in calories
  • Very rich in antioxidants, calcium and iron. 

 How much per day 

When they are raw, i recommand you to not exceed 100g per day because  they may cause you digestive troubles or colon problems. But whe they are cooked you can eat up to a cup a day ( 250g per day). When they are cooked, they become easier to digest.

How to eat them?

The best way to eat them is to cook them with other vegetables in a meat sauce. Or take a handful and use them as an ingredient in your salad. 

Mung beans VS soybean sprouts 

Although both soybean sprouts and mung beans are healthy, there is a slight difference between them.


Simply put, soybean sprouts and mung beans are both healthy but soybean sprouts are better than mung beans for people who want to reduce carbs intake in their daily  and for those who want to lose weight. 

  • Mung beans can provide up to 30 g of carbs in 100g of mung beans. 
  • Soybean sprout can bring only up to 6 g in 100g of soybean sprouts. Which is very low. Soybean sprout till today is eaten in asia especially korea and China.


 They’re also easier to digest because the fiber content is moderate and not high for people on a low-fiber diet for digestive problems (recommended by the doctor). 

But if you don’t have digestive problems, it’s better to to consume sufficient dietary fiber ( mung beans)  to prevent those gut troubles.

If they are consumed in limited amounts ( like an ingredient on your salad), it’s not dangerous, you can eat them both. 

3- Black beans 

 They are one of the most common legumes in asia, and have existed since the paleolithic era. They are an excellent source of high-quality protein and they are among foods with the highest fiber intake. 


  • For 100g of black beans we find 
  • High amount of protein which is up to 21g
  • Carbs : up to 47g
  • Very rich in fiber : 15g! 
  • High calcium intake. 

How To Eat Them 

Black beans they are sturdy contrary to mung beans and soybean sprout which can be consumed raw. Black beans should be eaten cooked. You can cook them in sauce with vegetables and meat, or cook and then  mix them to get a soup. For people who have gut diseases like crohn , it’s better to eat them as a soup.

How Much black beans per day?

Because of their intake of carbs and fiber, it’s necessary to not overconsume them and to eat only 100g / day of black beans to avoid any gut problems. 

Are peas and beans same ? 

Form and texture 

The first difference between peas and beans is their shape. Peas are round, but beans are generally more broad than peas and very similar to kidneys.  

In addition, the texture is different: beans are generally dried and therefore more solid than peas, and some peas can even be eaten raw as they are soft, unlike most beans, which have to be cooked before we can chew them. 


Beans can have differents colors other than green. Peas are green, but once they become mature they can change color like cheakpeas. 

Note: Lentils are not beans neither peas, they are just a part of legumes familly. 

Do starchy beans make you gain weight? 

 Starchy beans are foods rich in carbs  which is a factor that can stimulate weight gain, In paleo diet , you can consume only non starchy beans.

It’s all about quantity and quality. The paleo diet allows only good-quality, unprocessed beans, such as the ones mentioned above, but it’s important not to exceed the normal daily intake. 

Are beans bad for gut health? 

beans are a food rich in fibre, known as “insoluble fibre”. It feeds the bacteria in the colon that are beneficial to health for this, fermentation happens in the colon and sometimes gases are produced.   If consumed in excess, this fiber can cause digestive disorders, especially colon problems. Excessive fiber consumption has 3 health risks, see here. 

Bottom Health 

Non-starchy beans aren’t very common, they’re much more common in Asia and South America, but I strongly recommend eating them because they’re a good alternative to meat. They can’t replace meat, but they have a nutritional quality that’s a bit similar in terms of mineral content. Fortunately, the paleo diet allows certain species of beans, which are very beneficial to health, but should always be eaten in limited amounts.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.