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Is The Dukan Diet For Women With PCOS Safe?

The Dukan diet for women with PCOS isn’t a great idea when there are better solutions to this problem. The best diet for PCOS must be rich in fiber, oleaginous, and dry fruits, and must be low in saturated fat. In the case of obesity, the first thing to do is to lose weight. 

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Dukan diet for women with PCOS

The Dukan diet is a high-protein diet low in sugar and fat and therefore very restrictive which aims at losing weight. If you want to restore your fertility, a restrictive diet such as the Dukan diet is not recommended.

 During the first two phases, you cannot eat foods that stimulate the proper functioning of your hormones because it only allows proteins in the first phase and the second phase an alternation between proteins and vegetables.

 Indeed, for proper functioning of your body, certainly, weight loss must be implemented. Still, your body should not miss any essential nutrients, for example, dietary fiber which is a good prebiotic to feed the gut microbiota that aims to balance your hormones and brain health (hormone secretion center). 

Then a good fat aims indeed to regulate the hormones such as metabolism hormones

Dukan diet VS keto diet for PCOS?

None of these diets can be ideal for relieving or curing your PCOS. Certainly, both of these diets are low-calorie diets that aim to lose weight quickly. Weight loss is indeed the primary goal when you are obese or overweight and suffering from PCOS. But PCOS is also a hormonal problem! So we can’t neglect the essential nutrients for the proper functioning of our hormones.

These two diets : ( Dukan Vs Keto)   cannot help to treat PCOS for several reasons:

 1- The Dukan diet is low in Fat

Fats have an essential role in hormone regulation. This is one of the reasons why studies have shown that certain restrictive and low-calorie diets decrease the metabolism, which means that the body will find it difficult to melt saturated fat to lose weight. The cause is low-fat diets such as the Dukan diet, which can be harmful because it is low in fat. 

You should not eat too much fat, but our body still needs a certain amount of it with good quality (poly and monounsaturated). 

2- Both diets are low in nutrients 

The woman with PCOS must pay attention to the quality of the meals she eats per day, a hormone whether it is lh or the hormones of metabolism, they need other nutrients for them to work. For example, cortisol does not work without Vit D and calcium.

3- Zinc deficiency 

Both diets require severe restrictions in most zinc-rich foods. The recommended daily intake is 15 mg per day.  Zinc is a very essential element for the proper balance of hormones, especially insulin and thyroid hormones (the gland responsible for the secretion of female and sexual hormones such as fertility). Zinc is much more present in most of the foods to be avoided in these two diets including dried fruits, oleaginous fruits, and legumes.

But fortunately, zinc is also abundant in foods of animal origin such as organ meats and egg yolks. But it is good to vary the source. 

I don’t recommend any of these diets but if I have to choose between them, I would say the keto is a little bit more balanced so it can help you more than the DUKAN diet.

Does Obesity Cause PCOS? 

Yes, obesity makes it worse. There is a lot more PCOS in obese women than in the general population. Being overweight or obese can interfere with the functioning of the ovaries. 

The link has been scientifically proven that the more overweight or obese a woman is, the less fertilization there is. Research has shown which type of obesity has the greatest effect on fertility, and it is the obesity that is mostly located around the pelvis, it is called “android obesity”.

Other Causes of PCOS

  • Genetic: it’s happening in the genes, it could be a default in the genes that causes hormonal disorders.
  • Bad eating habits and bad life hygiene can cause obesity and therefore PCOS.
  • The family history nevertheless exposes to an over risk of about 30% to develop the disease.

How can Obesity Cause Hypofertility & PCOS? 

 Obesity, especially android obesity, which is located in the pelvis, poses a risk of hyperinsulinism” You will ask yourself, “What is the relationship between hyperinsulinism and PCOS”. 

Obesity is a risk factor for hyperinsulinism and vice versa.  This term means that our body cannot store the sugar that circulates in our blood cells, in this case, the body will notice that our cells haven’t received sugar, so it will secrete even more insulin. 

Indeed, this is the problem.  Hyperinsulin secretion promotes the hypersecretion of a hormone called lh, there is a hypersecretion, it means that there is a hormonal imbalance. When there is a hormonal imbalance, it means that cysts will appear, which is called polycystic syndrome (PCOS).

Note: Even the opposite can happen which means PCOS will make you obese or overweight. because the metabolic hormones can be sluggish and do not work properly. 

How to get rid of PCOS naturally & permanently? 

1- Lose weight 

The only effective way is dietary rebalancing that we also call “ balanced diet”, which will surely help you lose weight because it’s the first objective when you’re obese with pcos . It is a very healthy way of eating , far from bad eating habits. The objective of this diet is to provide your body with all the micro and macro nutrients essential for the proper functioning of your organs and the proper functioning of your hormones. 

To know more about a balanced diet visit : Balanced diet for both physical and mental health. 

2- Take care of your intestinal microbiota. 

For those who don’t know, the intestinal microbiota is millions of bacteria that reside in our digestive tract. These bacteria are not harmful, on the contrary, they are involved in our physical and mental well-being and hormonal balance. However, in order for these bacteria to function properly, they must eat. 

This bacterium also feeds on food called prebiotics. The main ones are lactic ferments (contained in fermented dairy products) and dietary fiber. A varied and balanced diet is therefore important. 

In this sense it is necessary to pay attention to the quality and the choice of the food that you take: 

Foods to eat when you have PCOS

1- Dried fruits

 One tablespoon each day (e.g. raisins) is enough to provide you with the right amount of zinc, magnesium and even fiber. 

2- Oleaginous fruits 

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These too are rich in zinc, vitamin D, magnesium and omegas 3 and 6. But they are high-calorie foods, not more than 20g per day. It’s a good idea to replace dried fruits with oilseeds. 

3- Cereals made with wheat bran, psyllium or whole wheat grains

These cereals will bring you insoluble fiber, the type of fiber preferred by your intestinal microbiota, plus it’s a good food to replace white flour to lose weight. 

4- Fruits and vegetables

Not only they’re rich in fiber, but they are also a good source of antioxidants. Indeed, antioxidants will help you to reproduce and regenerate the dead cells, and ensure that your body is young, and therefore a good functioning of hormones. Antioxidants are very essential for the woman with PCOS. For this I recommend eating up to 6 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 

5- Dairy products

Plain yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese are good food for your gut microbiota. 

6- Legumes

Lentils, green and white beans, and chickpeas, are a good source of insoluble fiber to balance your gut microbiota. But don’t eat too much! To learn more, visit: 3 risks for an excessive fiber intake!

7- Proteins 

Good proteins are necessary for the proper functioning of hormones. But you have to choose the right proteins, I mean high-quality proteins, like meat from grass-fed beef, fat-fed chicken, grass-fed eggs, quinoa..etc. 

Foods to Avoid When You Have PCOS

Refined foods 

I encourage you to eat as naturally as possible, so as not to unbalance your microbiota. Refined foods will carry a lot of calories to your body and less good nutrients. 


Candy, pastries, soft drinks and industrial juices should be avoided. These sweets will decrease the absorption of good nutrients. 


These foods are not recommended. It contains lactic acid which isn’t healthy when it’s in excess. It is not healthy, plus it is hypercaloric, and I cannot recommend it. 

Fried food 

Fried food is allowed once in a while and in moderation. But they remain a food and a cooking method to avoid. Because it is empty calories that are harmful to health in general. 

Best Diet for PCOS

Other than a balanced diet , the Mediterranean diet also seems to be effective for pcos. Not only it helps in weight loss,reducing the severity of pcos, but it also encourages a very healthy, balanced diet and encourages a good diet rich in IODINE. 

The latter is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the gland responsible for the secretion of hormones that regulates the functions of the ovaries and hormone rebalancing which is the second objective after weight loss. 

Indeed, the Mediterranean diet for me is the only diet that can compete with the balanced diet. The Mediterranean diet will let you eat a little bit of everything, but in an ancestral way, which means very close to the diet of our ancestors, no refined food, no industrial food, less salt and no bad sugar. And only moderate or low glycemic index foods. 

Despite everything, it is not too restrictive. It is more concerned with the quality of the food than the quantity.

The basis of this diet is to eat in the manner of the Mediterranean countries, olive oil, goat’s milk, cheese made from goat’s milk, and especially fish, shellfish, and mollusks, all of which are rich in zinc, omega 3,6, good fat, good proteins, and above all sufficient iodine, which is a great advantage for the PCOS. and the thyroid gland. 

Is PCOS very dangerous? 

It is not a serious disease, it is just a hormonal disorder that can be cured. In some cases of obesity, weight loss is enough. In case of a failed diet, hormonal treatment can cure you. When the goiter is too swollen due to severe hormonal imbalance, surgery may be recommended by a specialist for the woman to restore her fertility. 

Can you be skinny and have PCOS? What to do in this case?

Yes, many women who are not overweight develop PCOS. When a woman’s family does not have any obese people, (therefore no inheritance), a woman can remain at a normal weight but have PCOS, due to a slight hormonal imbalance. 

However, it can be noticed that the woman has gained a few pounds compared to what she was. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the food you eat and to see a gynecologist if you need hormonal treatment. The Mediterranean diet or a balanced diet far from bad eating habits can be adequate. 

Diet plan example 


  • A slice of schnitzel
  • Plain yogurt with oatmeal 
  • 2 whole fruits: Berries and strawberries.


  • Green salad 
  • Baked green beans with 100g of lean beef. 
  • 40g of goat cheese.
  • A whole fruit (220g of banana).


  • Fish soup 
  • Red bean cooked in sauce (crushed tomato sauce)
  • Fruit salad. 

Snack 40 minutes before going to sleep (optional) 

  • 1 glass of warm semi-skimmed milk 

Bottom Line 

The dukan diet for women with pcos is not adequate, because the pcos diet must provide sufficient dry fruits, oleaginous fruits & vegetables. On the other hand, the dietary treatment of pcos must be established and followed until the menopause. It is based on an improvement in lifestyle, a balanced diet, medical treatment in case of hirsutism and/or infertility, and psychological support when necessary. 

In case of being overweight, a loss of about 10% of the initial weight reduces the hormonal disorder and even the complications with benefit on fertility.  On the other hand, for women with normal weight, losing weight does not bring any benefit. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.