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How To Get Rid of Digestive Problems during Keto Diet?

GI problems and digestive issues during the keto diet are highly possible because they are part of the side effects of this diet. Here you will find the causes and possible solutions. 

What digestive problems can keto diet cause?

Generally, people suffer from diarrhea that does not last very long and also from constipation. Other people may also suffer from other digestive problems such as bloating and especially gastritis in adults. 

  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhea
  • Diarrhea and constipation 
  • Irritable colon 
  • Bloating 
  • Gastritis 

It is not a coincidence that people get digestive problems during the keto diet. it happens when people do not know how to adopt a healthy keto diet and eat in a balanced way during this diet. 

Irritable bowel during keto diet 

Irritable bowel syndrome is also common during the keto diet, especially at the beginning when you start the diet. 


The causes are frequent, if you do not have a good lifestyle, it can affect your colon. 

Modification of the bacterial flora . A recent study shows that high-fat diets can change the state of your intestinal microbiota and influence your health because this bacterium in your gut is responsible for your physical and moral health. 

The solution is to vary your plate when you are on a keto diet, consume only the right source of fat, and avoid cooking methods that require fat. 

Constipation during keto diet

Most people who follow the keto diet can experience constipation that can last a long time if they don’t know how to vary their diet properly. 

How to avoid constipation during the keto diet? 

Consume enough soluble and insoluble fiber

To understand the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber, I will simplify things for you, both are necessary to improve intestinal transit. 

Soluble fiber forms a gel in your intestines to lubricate the fecal bowl and help it move and stimulate transit, insoluble fiber is responsible for fermentation and therefore stimulates the movement of the bowels to also help the fecal bowl to move and get out. 

How to get rid of constipation during the keto diet

If you already eating enough fiber by consuming best sources of dietary fiber, but you still have constipation, you should make sure that : 

  • Sleep enough
  • Drink a lot of water 
  • Practice a physical activity 
  • Avoid stress through relaxation and meditation 

Generally, people who do not drink enough water complain about constipation during the low-carb diet. It is important to know that the ketogenic diet is a diet rich in fat that will lead to cellular dryness if you do not drink enough water. Diets rich in fat must be associated with good water intake. 

Diarrhea during the keto diet

During high-protein and high-fat diets, diarrhea can occur due to mistaken eating habits. 

Causes of diarrhea during the keto diet 

High consumption of high-fat foods 

Fatty meat, eggs, offal, etc. are foods that are very rich in lipids. A high-fat consumption will stimulate the secretion of a liquid called bile (secreted by the liver). This bile is a liquid that goes to the gut to help the body grease the food bolus in order to digest it. 

The more fat consumed, the more bile is secreted, so there will be more liquid in the bowels which will promote diarrhea

That’s why, when you consume a very fatty food you feel either diarrhea, or the desire to vomit, or stomach discomfort

Raw meat and fish consumption

The keto diet is a diet rich in proteins, which means that it is recommended to consume enough proteins from animal sources, but meat and fish must be well cooked to avoid the transmission of bacteria that can cause diarrhea. 

How to get rid of diarrhea during keto diet? 

  • The keto diet does not mean eating only fats, you must always start your meal with foods rich in fiber. 
  • The dietary fiber will decrease the absorption of fat, so it will lubricate the food bolus alone, thus reducing the secretion of bile. 
  • The second solution is to well cook your meat and fish to avoid parasitic and bacterial infections that can cause diarrhea. It is necessary to adopt good food hygiene. 

Can a ketogenic diet cause gastritis?

Unfortunately, gastritis is also one of the keto diet drawbacks. When we eat a large meal or a meal very rich in fat, our stomach will secrete an excess of acid called “hydrochloric acid“, to try to digest the fat. 

The more the meal is rich in fat, the more the acid secretion is high. The constant secretion of this acidity can lead to gastritis in people with sensitive stomachs. 

How to avoid stomach problems during the keto diet? 

1- Dietary fiber 

It is true that you need to consume large amounts of fat to replace the carbohydrates, but you need to vary them with food rich in fiber. The dietary fiber will help balance and neutralize the stomach, avoid too much acidity and then avoid stomach inflammation.  

2- Take small water sips during meals 

When you’re taking solid fat-rich food during the keto diet, try to take small sips of water during meals. It’s generally avoided to drink water, but in these cases, it can help to dilute the  stomach liquid acid and to avoid inflammation in the long term especially when the keto diet lasts. 

3- Limit the duration of keto diet 

Keto diet shouldn’t be followed for a long time as a lifestyle. Gastritis is of the drawbacks of the keto diet, cause of the high-fat meals that it recommends. It doesn’t last more than 5 months. 

Why some people have bloating during keto diet?

1- Gut flora change

A sudden change of diet implies an alteration of the good bacteria that we already have in our colon and intestines. When this bacteria is unbalanced, we can have gas, bloating and even in some sensitive people irritable bowel. 

So the best way to start the keto diet is to go slowly. First, you have to start reducing industrial sugar, and then reduce complex carbohydrates, slowly and not abruptly. 

2- Alcohol 

On the standard keto diet, Low Carb Alcohol is allowed 2 glasses per day. Although this is a limited amount, consuming it daily or several times a week can cause gas and bloating. Alcohol is recommended only occasionally to avoid these kinds of undesirable effects. 

3- Light soda

 Some people take advantage of drinking light soda as a tolerated keto diet food instead of other sugary drinks.

 The problem is that it is not only sugar that should be avoided during the keto diet, it is also important to understand that some additives and compounds are very harmful to health.

 Soda is still a soft drink even though it is low in carbohydrates. . Other than other disadvantages like caffeine. 

The keto diet has several subclasses. The clean keto diet is better than the standard version but still too restrictive. 

4- Water intake 

Drinking enough water helps to neutralize the body’s environment when you are on a high-fat, low-carb diet like the keto diet. Water will therefore play an important role in people who suffer from gas and bloating. Water is also a lubricant so it improves intestinal transit. 

How can you improve your digestive health with Low carb diet? 

 It is enough to avoid the keto diet mistakes mentioned in the previous paragraphs and especially not to go far with the keto diet because of its side effects. It is necessary to avoid :

The wrong cooking methods 

Do not cook with olive oil, because it becomes bad once it is exposed to heat, try instead sunflower or sesame oil or other vegetable oils, but do not use animal fat during cooking. 

Choose the right source of fat 

Prefer monounsaturated fat such as extra virgin olive oil, vegetable margarine, lean meats. 

Liquid foods 

During the keto diet, it is preferable to always consume a liquid meal next to your main meal such as miso soup. Or other veggie soups. Since high-fat meals are difficult to digest, another liquid meal will improve and help digestion. 

Consume dietary fiber regularly 

It is important to eat foods rich in fiber every day, but you should not overdo it because too much fiber can have a negative impact on your digestive tract and your health. 

Physical activity 

Physical activity will help the bowels to function well (recover their movement), the bowels movements are important because they help in the proper digestion and involve a good intestinal transit. 

Keto food list that can cause you digestive problems

These are called fermentable foods, that is to say foods that cause fermentation in the colon. This fermentation when it is too important, it becomes out of control and will cause bloating and gases. In some people diarrhea or constipation, each individual reacts differently. 

Note: It is important to understand that the list of fermentable foods that I am going to mention here is not a list of foods to be avoided, they are beneficial and can become undesirable only when consumed randomly and in an excessive way! 

  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli 
  • Turnip 
  • fermented milk 
  • Chickpeas
  • Broad beans 
  •  alcohol 
  • cereals and bran
  • soybeans

Bottom line

  Finally, there are several things that are very important during the keto diet to avoid any digestive problems such as gastritis, irritable bowel, diarrhea and constipation. Some foods will help improve your health, others may make it worse. If you still can’t get rid of these harmful effects of keto diet, you should leave it because this type of diet is not suitable for your body. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.