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How to eat enaugh fiber during the keto diet?

The daily recommendations of dietary fiber during the keto diet which is up to 40 g of fiber per day must be respected. Fortunately, the keto diet is not contradictory because it allows several foods rich in fiber as we will see below.

Top 10 low-carb foods that are high in fiber during the keto diet

1- Mung beans

Mung beans are highly keto because they are very low in carbohydrates and very high in fiber. 

  • Carbohydrates: 3-4 g / 100g
  • Fiber: 16g / 100g

2- Onions 

The onions stimulate a good gut transit because it is rich in insoluble fiber (up to 2.2g) and very low in carbohydrates. 

3- Tomatoes

The tiny round traces that you see in the tomato are the insoluble fiber that turns into a gel in the digestive tract and stimulates weight loss and promotes transit, it is a perfect keto food and rich in fiber. Read also: Soluble fiber Vs Insoluble fiber

4- Broccoli 

Broccoli is rich in soluble fiber (2.7g/100g), which is beneficial for our intestinal microbiota, and at the same time, it’s a low-carb food. 

5- Spinach

Spinach is also a very healthy food 

  • Low in carbohydrates
  • Rich in salt, minerals, and vitamins 
  • Rich in fiber

6- Jerusalem artichoke

It’s also called topinambour, it’s also a good food to work your gut and to avoid constipation. It can bring up to 5g in a serving. 

7- Artichoke

Artichoke as spinach is very rich in minerals and vitamins, and low a carb food (fewer carbs than spinach and topinambour). 

8- Cabbage 

Cabbage has a bit same the nutrients as the endive. It’s very low in carbs and rich in fiber ( up to 4g in a serving).

9- Salsify 

It can bring 4 to  4.4 g per 100 of fiber and it’s a keto food. 

10- Lettuce 

Lettuce is a keto food almost devoid of carbs but rich in fiber and vitamins. 

How much fiber intake during keto diet?  

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 It is important to consume at least 30g of fiber per day during the keto diet for several health reasons that we will see. 

The daily ration of dietary fiber during the keto diet is the same when you are not on a diet because the keto diet already allows veggies so it’s a fiber-rich diet 

Can collagen replace fiber? 

Besides dietary fiber, collagen is also part of the residues that our microbiota consumes to survive and to keep our physical and mental health in good condition. 

Our gut flora also needs dietary fiber for the growth of good bacteria. If we eliminate one of them there will be no diversity in the quality of the gut microbiota and that leads to an unbalance. 

Why fiber is important during keto diet? 

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat diet, which means that it can lead to gallbladder problems, even if it is good fat, it should not be consumed in excess. apart from gallbladder problems, chronic constipation can also occur with high-fat diets.

 To prevent this, dietary fiber is very important to form a gel in the gut which will help the liver and gallbladder function to lubricate the food contents in the gut. This is aside from the other benefits of dietary fiber. 

How can keto diet help with triglycerides?

Low-carb diets are known and scientifically proven to lower blood triglyceride levels. But not in all cases. Some people enjoy the keto diet by eating enough high-fat foods such as eggs and various types of meat. 

The keto diet is able to regulate your condition only if you eat in a balanced way and decrease the amount of fat consumed and increase the intake of vegetables rich in fiber because fiber is an essential nutrient that keeps the excess fat from getting into your body. 

How can keto diet lower cholesterol? 

The keto diet can only reduce cholesterol levels in the blood if you favor mono- and polyunsaturated fats as opposed to saturated fats, which are usually found in fatty meats, animal butter, and high-fat dairy products, and eggs if consumed in unlimited quantities. 

Among the keto diet’s principles is to eat only good fats, for this reason, it is scientifically approved that the keto diet induces better health. 

However, research has moved forward to ensure better health for people who follow the keto diet to come up with a new version of the keto diet called the clean keto which is extremely strict but very effective for people with cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. 

This version is healthier than the standard keto diet and is more likely to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels. 

Why constipation during the keto diet?

A high-fat diet generally leads to constipation.  When a meal is rich in fats, it takes a long time for the food to be taken in because it is slowly absorbed. This favors storage and a somewhat parking in the gut. To avoid this, it is important to balance your plate and to always add veggies to your meal.

Will fiber help you lose weight during keto diet? 

Yes, dietary fiber is an essential element in weight loss diets. Foods rich in insoluble dietary fiber such as fruits and green vegetables have a satiating effect without adding calories to your body. This is one of the keys to losing weight. To learn more: How to lose weight with dietary fiber. 

An example of a Keto Breakfast rich in fiber 

  • Endive salad with cucumber, tomato, and onions. 
  • Seasoned with olive oil and some sesame seeds. 
  • 4 slices of bread made with almond flour (40g)
  • Cottage cheese
  • ½ avocado

Bottom Line

Finally, high-fat diets tend to cause gastritis and gut issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome and an imbalance in the bacterial flora if we do not eat enough dietary fiber. This imbalance can disrupt our sleep, and our mental health, as our digestive tract is considered our second brain. 

It is important to balance your keto diet as much as possible to avoid these health problems that may seem normal but can be dangerous!

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.