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How Does The Dukan Diet Differ From The Atkins’ Diet?

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Dukan Vs Atkins diet : what’s the difference?

The first difference between the Dukan diet and the Atkins’ diet is the number of phases and the role of each of these phases. Then there is the amount of sugar that can be eaten per day and the choice of certain foods and also the duration of these two diets. And then there are certainly common points between these two diets.

What is the difference between the Atkins diet & The Dukan diet?

To understand the common points and the difference I will speak to you a little about these two diets. 

The Dukan diet 

It’s a high-protein diet that consists of 3 phases. The first phase consists of consuming exclusively proteins, then and from the second phase, we reintroduce high quality foods and always remove refined foods. This diet offers you a list of 100 allowed foods that you can consume at will. 

The atkins’ diet 

This is a high-protein & fat, low-carb diet. This diet consists of four phases. The first phase encourages the consumption of a lot of proteins and very few carbohydrates per day. The amount of carbs will be increased (good carbohydrates) gradually during the next phases.

Dukan VS Atkins Diet

This table will summarize everything

VS 1 1
Dukan DietAtkins’ Diet
Low in fat, high in proteinLow in carbs, High in protein & fat
No counting carbs20g at the beginning, then progressive addition during the next phases
The first phase lasts from 3 to 7 days maximum.Depending on the weight to be lost.Phase 1 lasts 2 weeks.
Focus much more on quality food, good fat and high quality organic protein.No
No calories counting, you can eat as much as you like.always eat in moderation. We count the calories coming from carbs
No sugar during the first phaseStarting with 20g per day in the first phase.
Requires little cookingLess compatible with a happy social life, required cooking, sometimes with atkins diet products
Plain yogurt and skim milk. 0% fat allowedMilk and yogurt are excluded
Number of phases: 3Number of phases : 4

What Do The Dukan Diet & The Atkins’ Diet Have In Common?

Despite the difference that you can see in this table, we don’t overlook that there are common points between these two diets that make them very similar. 

  • They are rich in proteins
  • They are very restrictive and therefore have a guaranteed yo-yo effect 
  • Both diets’ last phase must be followed for life or for a very long time.
  • Very low in fiber so risk of constipation
  • Low in nutrients, therefore risk of deficiency
  • Rapid weight loss at first, then slow weight loss until you reach your desired weight.
  • Difficult to follow and to hold

Duakn VS Atkins’ Diet: The guidelines of a Dietitian

This similarity between the atkins’ diet and the Dukan diet, makes people wonder which diet is healthier and has less risks?

Actually both diets for me are not recommended, but the Dukan diet is more balanced and healthy than the Atkins’ diet.

Firstly, the Atkins diet is rich in fat and proteins. Unlike the Dukan diet, it is only rich in proteins, which limits the cardiovascular risks. Because if we remove other food sources from our diet and keep only fat and protein, we will automatically and without realizing it consume a lot of fat (more than the recommended needs), simply because it is the only choice we have to curb our hunger. 

Secondly, the Dukan diet is too restrictive only for 3 to 5 days or 7 days maximum. This is the duration of the first and most difficult phase of the diet. Unlike the Atkins diet, the first phase is too restrictive and lasts 15 days! 

Also, the choice of food of the Dukan diet has a better quality than that of Atkins. The Dukan diet encourages the consumption of milk and yogurt with 0% fat, so you get a calcium intake and a little iron and other nutrients. The Atkins diet unfortunately forbids the consumption of milk and yogurt. 

On the other hand, both diets often have a yoyo effect, and have a risk of deficiencies especially (magnesium, vitamin B9 and B1).  In addition, these diets are very rich in protein and give priority to animal proteins, which affects the health of kidneys.

Personally, I advise you to choose the new version of the Dukan diet because it is more balanced and healthier, and it is even allowed for pregnant women. 

If not, before starting one of these diets, I advise you to see a doctor for some guidance.

Bottom Line 

The Dukan and Atkins diets are different because they do not have the same concept of diet. 

The Dukan diet is a high-protein diet, whereas the Atkins diet is based on the total elimination of carbohydrates. These 2 visions have their advantages, but many more disadvantages that should not be ignored!

So I encourage you to choose the diet that is best suited to your body and your health and especially to ask your doctor for help.

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.