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Fruits allowed on the macrobiotic diet-The right way to eat them!

You can consume the FRUITS allowed on the MACROBIOTIC DIET following two bases: Fruits of the season and your region. This is what traditional medicine recommends in the macrobiotic diet.

List of fruits allowed on the macrobiotic diet

The macrobiotic diet, which is based on Chinese medicine, recommends eating only seasonal and local fruits. That is to say, to avoid fruits that are out of season or imported from other countries. We will start by listing the fruits that are allowed during the macrobiotic diet according to the 4 seasons that exist. 

WinterSpringSummer Autumn 
Lemon, grapefruit, orange, clementine, avocado, kiwi, pineapple, banana, tangerine, lychee, persimmon, papaya, apple, mango, pomegranate, dates.Pomegranates, dates, banana, pineapple, rhubarb, Pummelo, orange, lemon, the first fresh ones.Kiwi, rhubarb, strawberries, apple, lemon, grapes, grapefruit, raspberry, plums, apricots, melon, watermelon, apricots, peaches, blackcurrants, currants, watermelon, blueberries, cherries, the first figs and blackberries, Mirabelle, figs.grapes, pears, blackberries, raspberries, hazelnuts, walnuts, quinces, persimmons, apples, figs, blueberries, chestnuts, hazelnuts, lemons, pears, kiwis and the first clementines, persimmons (ripe in November).

Local fruits 

Seasons differ from one country to another, as well as the fruits of the season, some of which are quoted but not present in some countries. Therefore it is important for people to know the regional and seasonal fruits of their country.

What fruits will let you gain weight during the macrobiotic diet?

Contrary to popular belief, eating fruit at any time of the day leads to weight gain. During the macrobiotic diet, a list of carbohydrate-rich fruits is allowed, such as dried fruits. 

 There is no specific list of fruits that can help you lose weight and others that cannot. All fruits have sugars. However, there are some fruits that are richer in carbs and tend to make you gain weight more than others. 


Fresh grapes are rich in carbohydrates, and their consumption in isolation can lead to excess sugar storage and weight gain. One serving of fresh grapes provides 27g of carbs. 

Dried fruits 

Dates, raisins, and dried figs are among the fruits richest in sugar. Eating these fruits during the macrobiotic diet can keep your weight off and prevent it from dropping or maybe you can even gain weight. Because their sugar is easily stored. 


Banana-producing countries such as Asian countries can consume bananas during the macrobiotic diet, but only in season. However, one must be careful about the quantity and the time of eating this fruit because it is very rich in starch, a complex sugar. 


I mentioned the avocado to correct a misunderstanding. Some people consider avocado as a diet fruit that helps to lose weight. Indeed, although the avocado is a fruit that unlike others does not have a number of carbs, it is very rich in fat. One serving of avocado fruit has 21g of fat

Note: Other fruits are also a source of carbohydrates if consumed in excess or at any time of the day. However, all fruits have health benefits due to their dietary fiber content and richness in vitamins, you just need to know how to eat fruits properly during the macrobiotic diet. 

How Much fruits on the macrobiotic diet? 

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You can take a maximum of 6 fruits per day. If you want to lose weight, take 3 fruits a day, provided that you always include vegetables in your plate, as this, you will replace fruits by vegetables because vegetables have a particularity compared to fruits which is the lack of sugar! 

When is the best time to eat fruits during the macrobiotic diet? 

if you don’t want to gain weight on the macrobiotic diet, the best time of day to eat fruit is during your main meals. Do not eat fruit outside of meals! 

Indeed, the uptake of carbs in the digestive tract is less if eaten after a meal rich in protein and fiber. The dietary fiber contained in certain foods reduces the absorption of excess carbs. Protein can also do this. 

Preferably follow a regular rhythm which is: 

  •  To start with an appetizer: salad, vegetables
  • Then take your fruit in the second position 
  • The main meal 
  • A dairy product 

Can we take a fruit snack during the macrobiotic diet?   

It is better not to snack during the macrobiotic diet for those who want to lose weight, even if it is just a fruit. Snacking is a bad habit that leads to weight gain, even if the food is not rich in calories. 

On the other hand, for those who want to gain weight by following the macrobiotic diet, it is pretty normal to snack on a natural fruit juice or a bunch of dried fruit. 

Bottom Line 

 Fruits during the macrobiotic diet are not forbidden, it is just necessary to know the time needed to take them and the quantity that we must not exceed. Fruits can make you fat if you don’t respect these two bases only! If not they are food very rich in vitamins and minerals that can never be ignored.

The list of fruits allowed during the macrobiotic diet is based on Chinese medicine, which shows that they should be local and in season. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.