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Dukan Diet With Intermittent Fasting-Yourdiet101

Combining the dukan diet with intermittent fasting will let you lose a lot of weight in a very short time. At the beginning you will like the results, but the consequences will be very harmful for your health. Even then you may gain weight instead of losing it. You should be aware of the consequences of combining these two diets.

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Is it Dangerous To Combine Dukan diet with Intermittent Fasting?

No doubt about the danger that the combination of these two methods can bring us. Intermittent fasting is already a diet that is hard but very effective and good for your health.

If we add the dukan diet to intermittent fasting, the positive effects of this fasting will be destroyed by the bad consequences of the dukan diet especially if they are done at the same time.  The disadvantages of combining the dukan diet with intermittent fasting


You can at the beginning follow these two methods at the same time, feel good with good results, but after a given moment you are going to feel frustrated and deprived of several things which you like. that induces even in certain patients to depression, knowing that the antidepressants cause weight gain . So all the results and all the things you did are gone. 


 When we associate the dukan diet with intermittent fasting, we must brik  fast only with food rich in animal proteins, or a plate full of meat or animal products. 

So, your body will no longer work well as it should, you will feel weak, dizzy, and you’ll lack concentration. and these are signs of a dietary deficiency. 

Yo-yo effect

The yoyo effect can mostly happen because of the dukan diet. So right after reaching your desired weight, you will gain the weight back. I don’t mind doing intermittent fasting because once you break the fast, you can have varied & healthy food and it’s healthy.

On the other hand, if you combine it with the Dukan diet it becomes very restrictive. Once we reach the desired weight, we stop the diet, and we return to our old eating habits, because the duration of these diets was very short so our body is not yet used to these eating habits.  The longer the diet lasts the better the results. And we can’t follow this method for a long time because it brings us quickly to the results. 

Can the Dukan diet with Intermittent Fasting cause Anemia?

Yes, it is true that the dukan diet offers us a lot of meat, and food rich in proteins and iron, but this is not enough to avoid having anemia. Indeed, the iron so that it will be well taken in by our body. Iron  must be associated with; zinc, the vitamin B12, B9. So vitamin B9 is in the vegetables (especially those with green leaves). So we must vary our plate.

Who can Follow a Dukan diet with Intermittent Fasting?

The only one who can  combine the dukan diet with intermittent fasting, an overweight or obese person who has to undergo a surgery soon and has to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks for example. Yes! You can lose enough weight by combining the Dukan diet with intermittent fasting! 

A person should not follow this method by a personal decision but by order of his doctor. In this case a multi-service follow-up; doctors, surgeons, dieticians must follow this person carefully so that it does not fall into deficiencies or anemia. 

What is the Best Diet When Doing Intermittent Fasting?

If you want to lose weight healthily with intermittent fasting, The Balanced Diet is going to be the best diet for intermittent fasting. This means that there is no prohibition, it is a personalized diet according to your preferred tastes, eating habits. 

However, some foods should be avoided and consumed only occasionally, such as industrial sweets, camembert, and flour. We can say that the balanced diet is very similar to the Mediterranean diet

How Does Combining the Dukan diet With Intermittent Fasting Affect Your body?

Intermittent fasting gets us used to the feeling of hunger, and thus allows us to lose weight, because we stay a long time without eating anything and without bringing calories to our body. 

The Dukan diet is going to deprive us of sugar, that is to say when our body needs energy, it is not going to find sugar which is the first source of energy, but it is going to degrade proteins and stored lipids to obtain energy. 

The first few weeks you will feel too hungry because your body is not yet used to it, then you will not feel too hungry because the Dukan diet will offer you 100 protein-rich foods that have a satiating effect. 

The advantage that the dukan diet has in this situation is that it offers us better quality proteins that help to lose weight. 

Yes, high-quality proteins help to lose weight because they stimulate the proper functioning of GH (growth hormone) responsible for metabolism and fat breakdown. 

Which Dukan Food do You Eat to Break the Fast?

Before you start your meal, you must break your fast with a liquid diet, first of all water. Then you consume the second protein-rich meal. 

  • You can take defatted ham with eggs
  • Fish and eggs, olive oil. 

This is in the first phase of dukan diet ( attack phase). If you are in the second phase or in the dukan express diet , you can taje a fish soup.

  • 1 day: Pure proteins
  • 2nd day : Protein-vegetable
  • 3rd day: Protein-vegetables-fruit
  • 4 th: Protein-vegetables-cooked bread
  • 5 th: Protein-vegetables-fruit-bread-cheese
  • 6th : protein-vegetables-fruit-bread-cheese-starch

This is much more balanced than the standard dukan. 

Intermittent Fasting with Dukan Diet – Typical menu day

Standard method dukan diet with intermittent fasting 16:8 

Breakfast 8am 

Break fasting with water 

30 minutes after : 

  • Coffee or tea without sugar or sweetener
  • 2 eggs
  • skinless chicken breast grilled with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. 

Lunch (at noon) 

  • 80 g of grilled sardines
  • 0% yogurt

Snack at 3:30 pm 

The 8 hours are over! enjoy

Dukan diet ( express or nutritional staircase method) with intermittent fasting 

The first day is like the menu above, and From the second day : 

 Breakfast  : 8am

Break the fast with Water 

30 minutes after 

  • Fish soup with 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 eggs
  • Grilled turkey cutlet
  • ( if you are on day 3 add fruit).

Lunch ( at noon) 

  • Chicken meat cooked in sauce in the oven with some peas around.
  • Plain yogurt with 0% fat .

Snack at 3:30pm 

  • Tea or coffee without sugar or sweetener. 
  • 1 to 2 cups of plain yogurt with 0% fat

The 8 hours are over. Enjoy!

Follow the same menu for the intermittent fasting  14/10 method . 2 meals a day with a snack. Take note, that this blog is a health blog, and I never recommend combining the dukan diet with intermittent fasting except for the people I mentioned above (people who have to undergo surgery soon and by medical order must lose a lot of weight quickly).

Should I Exercise While Doing The Dukan Diet With Intermittent Fasting

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Yes, when there is a rapid weight loss, there will certainly be a loosening of the skin, you can also see stretch marks in some women, cellulite. For this, moderate physical activity is recommended at the beginning of the diet.

Do not do high intensity sports at the beginning, otherwise the fat mass will turn into muscle mass and you will always seem to be obese because the muscle weighs more than the fat.  When you lose the  weight you want, do some cardio and weight training to have a good figure and avoid stretch marks. 

Does intermittent fasting work with any diet?

Intermittent fasting works best with more balanced and less restricted diets such as the Mediterranean diet which is very close to the principles of a balanced diet. 

Keto VS Dukan diet for Intermittent Fasting?

If you have to choose between the keto diet or the dukan diet to be combined with intermittent fasting. Choose the keto diet.

The keto diet is a low carb diet, the dukan diet is a more restrictive diet low in fat and sugar at the same time. The ketogenic diet will also allow you to take enough vegetables and dairy products next to meat. So much more balanced than the dukan diet.  So we can say that among the high protein diets that work best with intermittent fasting is the keto diet. This diet is a little more balanced than dukan.

Military vs Dukan diet while Intermittent Fasting?

Between the military diet and the dukan diet, I would probably say the dukan diet. The military diet is extremely hypocaloric. We are already under intermittent fasting and our body needs a recovery phase after fasting. 

This diet indicates a small precise number of calories to be consumed, on the other hand the dukan diet does not give importance to the calories because the proteins of the dukan diet have a satiating effect. The military diet and intermittent fasting must strictly be separated. 

You can lose weight quickly only with the military diet or a little bit less quickly with intermittent fasting, but each one must be alone. 

Bottom Line 

Finally, it should be understood that intermittent fasting is already a very effective diet for physical and mental well-being, but it is also hard to follow. It requires a recovery after fasting, no low-calorie or restrictive diet is recommended to associate it with intermittent fasting.

 Only a balanced diet that allows for this recovery is the best diet to combine with intermittent fasting. The ketogenic diet is a little more balanced than other restrictive and high calorie diets and can be combined with intermittent fasting but it remains an idea for those who are allowed to follow this method.

 Certainly by following the dukan diet with intermittent fasting you will see good results quickly, but once you finish with the diet you will gain weight again. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.