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Dukan diet Shopping & Grocery List

Dukan diet Shopping & Grocery List

Before starting your diet, you must first settle in your dukan diet  shopping list according to your desires, your favorite foods, so you will help yourself to follow the diet willingly.

Fortunately today there are plenty of food choices for the dukan diet, especially the nutritional staircase method which seems more balanced than the standard method. 

Shopping list in attack phase 

During the first phase, you are allowed to consume 72 pp ( pure protein food).

Thus, you can use additives to improve your plate and help yourself to eat and have pleasure :

  • Offal: Generally I don’t recommend offal even if it’s allowed, cause lately the way cockles are raised makes their organs unreliable. 

As far as offal is concerned, I recommend that you eat  a grass fed chicken offal because they’re healthier. 

  • agar- agar: ( you can buy it here) : It is an extract of certain seaweeds, it should be known that it is a fiber, therefore in excess it can disturb your digestive tract, not to exceed the 2 g per day. It is an excellent additive and improver for the desserts without added sugar.
  • Beef: Beef is acceptable because it has less fat than lamb or mutton. During the attack phase, it is preferable to use beef with only 5% fat. Also, avoid the rib and ribcage, the neck also. 
  • Horse: All cuts, avoid the skirt.
  • Chicken or turkey breast: It is less expensive than ham with 2% Fat. 
  • Ham: Ham purchased in a deli without fat is not allowed.
  • Rabbit: All pieces (remove the fatty parts)
  • Fish and shellfish: Tuna, salmon, smoked salmon, scallops, mussels, hake, mackerel, sardines (without oil), shrimp, crab…
  • Eggs: If you have a cholesterol problem, only 2 to 3 eggs per week, depending on the severity of the case. If not, you are allowed 4 to 5 eggs per week. If you want to avoid the yolk, there is only powdered egg white (Judee’s); 5g of powder + 30g of water is equivalent to 1 fresh egg white. 
  • Liquid or powdered skim milk 
  • 0% plain or flavored yogurt: Dairy product that will be limited to 800g/day max.
  • Lean dairy products: Faisselle 0%: Mixture of fresh cheese and whey – Fromage blanc 0%.
  • Paraffin oil: Beware of excess, use only one tablespoon to season your salad.
  •  Konjac: 100% natural, it is generally used by the Japanese for its slimming effect (0 calories).
  • Veal
  • poultry : cooked with the skin, but not consumable!
  • Meat of grison the only authorized delicatessen in the diet: dried beef
  • Fruit : Goji berries 
  • Lemon, only added to your oil to season your salad.
  • Seafood: shrimp, prawns, crab, crabmeat, langoustines, crayfish, lobster, squid, cuttlefish, octopus, whelks, oysters. All are allowed by Dr. Dukan.
  • Pickles
  • Onions and minced onions. ( Ardo)
  • Peppers: All
  • Bran of oats, bran of wheat: Dr. Dukan has affirmed the importance of consuming every day a c to s of either bran of oats or wheat in order to avoid constipation and to get rid of constipation if you suffer from it.
  • Dukan pancake from the monoprix or homemade (cheaper). 2 pancakes per day maximum. 
  • Tofu: it exists in 2 forms: firm (for salty preparations) or silky (mainly used for desserts).
  • Vanilla : in the form of powder, pod or unsweetened essence
  • Vinegar: from white to balsamic through sherry, cider … They are all allowed for your dressings, sauces, deglaze your pans, marinate your meats. A teaspoon of cider vinegar in a 1/2 glass of water after each main meal helps reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood. 
  • Tea/Infusion: Preferably mint or chamomile infusion. Do not drink too much tea,  drink tea, 30 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal, otherwise it will absorb the good nutrients brought by your meal.
  • Flans: without sugar, organic that you will find in organic stores to cook with skim milk and sweetener
  • Sauces: Nuoc Nam sauce (salty to be avoided for hypertensives) – Soy sauce (light) – Worcestershire sauce
  • Mustard : there are mustards without salt ( Organic mustard)
  • Water: Normally this should be the only drink during this phase. Make sure it is sugar free. ( Hepar water is great for constipation).
  • Chewing gum: sugar-free and sorbitol-free  -Sweet gum ( hollywood)

Also : 

  • Stevia or another sweetener that you can find in an organic store.
  • Spices are essential during the dukan diet to find pleasure in eating. 
  • To reduce the consumption of salt
  • Avoid alcohol and vinegar or alcohol
  •  I don’t recommend diet soft drinks like diet Coke. 

Shopping list for the cruise phase

The cruise phase is the second phase of Dukan Diet. 

According to the new dukan method there is an alternation between one day proteins only/ One day proteins and plants, therefore it is a little more balanced and choice of food more varied. Thus, we add to the list of shopping of the first phase of other groceries that must be present during the second phase of dukan diet: 

  • Low-fat cheese with 7% fat
  • Fresh ricotta: in limited quantity (Not more than 40g per day)
  • Soy flour (So dukan foods made with soy flour). 
  • Game
  • Oil 
  • Flax seeds: to get rid of the constipation (1 c to s in half a glass of water).
  • Coconut milk
  • Soy milk
  • Soy proteins: limited (3 tablespoons per week). like tempeh.
  • Tomato sauce: preferably 100% crushed tomato. 
  • Plain soy yogurt
  • Yogurt with 0% fat, fruity
  • Low fat ketchup without sugar
  • Merguez well degreased
  • Poultry sausage : 1 per day
  •  Red wine: just after meals (not more than 3 tablespoons) and cooked to evaporate the alcohol.

Speaking now of vegetables and plants that you can consume in alternation if you have followed the new dukan method (I advise you this method of alternation between pure proteins and vegetables).

  • Algae
  • Gaspacho 
  • Canned vegetables: limit corn, beet, carrots
  • Fresh vegetables: all 
  • Salad and endives
  • The only fruit allowed during this phase: rhubarb.
  • Soy steak. 

Consolidation phase shopping list

In addition to the two previous lists, you can also introduce during the third phase of the Dukan diet starch, pork, lamb, mutton and also fruit! 

  • Lamb: prefer beef or chicken, lamb is allowed during the consolidation phase but occasionally.
  • Cooked bulgur wheat cereal
  • Pure durum wheat
  • Starchy foods: pasta, rice, potatoes, polenta, semolina, lentils, peas…… Wholemeal pasta is ideal,
  • Cooked flageolet : According to Dr dukan, it should not exceed 150g
  • Hard cheese : with 20% fat content Max  40g.The most protéin-rich : Cantal, Cheddar, County, Edam, Emmental, Gouda, Gruyere, Morbier, Parmesan, Pyrenees…
  • Fresh and frozen fruits: limit the consumption of: banana, cherries, figs, dates, and grapes. 
  • Pasta
  • Pulses, lentils
  • rice
  • Chickpeas
  • Potatoes
  • pork
  • semolina

A wrap ! 

The dukan diet remains among the most requested diets. It shows a lot of good  results. It’s important to know how to balance your dukan plate in order to follow it without frustration, for that you must first know the shopping list of the dukan diet before

starting it. For less frustration and to help yourself to follow this diet, it’s also interesting to know which additives or sweetener to add to your plate to have the best taste and to savor & vary  your dish. If not, many people prefer to eat all organic foods without sweeteners. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.