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Does Liquid Diet Have Any Risks?

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Does the liquid diet have any risks?

On the digestive side, the liquid diet has its risks, when we only consume liquid our digestive tract will lose half of its functionality!

First of all, the peristalsis which means the intestinal movements will be decreased if the diet is done on a long term basis.

Then, there is the hydrochloric acid  at the stomach which is secreted each time we eat to thin the food bolus, there are also other enzymes such as the amylase (secretion of saliva etc). 

So all these functions will be half inhibited when we eat only liquids, especially in the long term. 

The liquid or semi-liquid diet is usually prescribed by the doctor for those who have undergone surgery, for those who have cut off part of their digestive tract when it is inflamed for example (Crohn’s disease at an advanced stage.

But they do it for the minimum amount of time so as not to lose the functionality of the digestive tract, and the doctor in this sense tries as much as possible to get back to the normal diet.

However, I don’t overlook that the liquid diet has shown its effectiveness in weight loss.

This diet encourages the consumption of only low-calorie smoothies in order to lose fat while varying the choice of foods so as not to fall into a deficiency.

Another advantage of this diet is that it is very easy to prepare and consume, you can drink your smoothies anywhere, even in the road when you have no time to eat.

What exactly is a liquid diet?

As the name suggests, the liquid diet is a diet that only allows drinks.

Whether it’s only water, there we talk about extreme liquid diet, or a liquid diet that allows soups and dairy products which is called “clear liquid diet” and I as a dietician I prefer the second of course.

So it’s a low-calorie diet that aims to lose weight quickly. 

A clear liquid diet is a type of mechanically modified diet that includes only liquids with no pulp, chunks of food or other waste products.

 They can be sweet or slightly salty, but you shouldn’t see anything floating in the liquid.

Who created the liquid diet?

The liquid diet was practiced in some populations of our ancestors as a religious activity.

However in medicine that was really practiced for curative purposes.

Doctors used to do the liquid diet before or after surgery in people who had an ostomy (cut out a part of the digestive tract), or in people who had difficulty chewing such as a facial paralysis.

Types of liquid diet

The extreme liquid diet

 This is a very short diet, because it is only water! 

Its purpose is to detoxify the body, it is a bit like the fasting that some people do ( like in india).

The clear liquid diet:

 It is a more balanced and nutritious diet because it allows the introduction of milk and dairy products and even more choice of foods provided that they are well mixed without pulp or waste. So we will talk about the clear liquid diet (the nutritious method).

What to eat on a liquid diet?

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The liquid diet is generally low in calories but high in protein, to maintain muscle mass.

The maximum is 1500 calories/day for this diet. It depends on the goal of the person on this diet. 

Since this diet is hypocaloric, low in nutrients. The advice of a doctor is essential before starting this diet because the doctor can prescribe food supplements to add to your smoothies or juices.

There is a long list of allowed  foods, but you must also respect the list of foods to avoid.

Permitted foods

  • Any kind of fruit or vegetable juice without pulp or waste.
  • Fruit or vegetable puree.
  • Milk and yoghurt.
  • Processed cheese 
  • Eggs can be consumed as a soft cream.
  • Water, tea and light coffee.
  • Cream soup (no chunks or pieces of vegetables or meats)
  • Ice cream (no fruit, chocolate chips, etc.)
  • Sorbet and frozen yogurt
  • Fat-free, low-sodium chicken/vegetable/beef broth
  • Flavored gelatin with no added fruit or solids

Prohibited foods: 

Any solid food including fresh, dried and oilseed fruits and veggies.

Both coffee & tea are allowed on the clear liquid diet as long as you don’t add anything to them like sugar, honey.

It is important to choose popsicles that don’t contain anything like fruit pulp or seeds .

 Gelatin is also allowed but it should also be excluded from fruit or other fillings.

Coffee & liquid diet

 Tea and coffee are allowed on the liquid diet without adding anything! You can add artificial sweeteners but I do not recommend it.

Who is the liquid diet for?

This diet is basically for people who are going to have or have had surgery on the digestive tract, for people who have mouth paralysis and for those who have had an ostomy.

It is also for people who want to detoxify their body.

A detox liquid diet is followed after a period of excess (holidays or vacations in order to eliminate toxins).

There is also another category of people who want to lose weight quickly and who go for a low-calorie diet such as the liquid diet.

Also for people who have to follow a strict fiber-free diet.

Can liquid diet help you lose weight?

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Absolutely, liquid diet is an hypocaloric diet that causes a calorie deficit, so it may cause weight loss. Scientifically proven, a person can lose 3.3 lbs in one month. 

Liquid meal replacements can be a good way to lose weight if they replace only one or two meals a day, according to a large, controlled analysis. 

A study has shown that this diet helped overweight patients with diabetes lose about 6.6 lbs more in 6 months than those on a conventional low-calorie diet.

In a scientific study, It found that liquid meal replacements contributed to better reductions in systolic blood pressure. The study was published in Diabetes Care, a journal of the American Diabetes Association.

Liquid diet without losing weight

If you want or need to follow a liquid diet without losing weight. You need to focus on the quality of your drinks such as high starch, high calorie smoothies.

Then you can add milkshakes, honey to your coffee..etc.

Thus, there are dietary supplements that your doctor should prescribe to you to maintain your muscle mass.

But even if you do this, the diet is very low in nutrients and remains low-calorie, and you may lose few pounds.

Can liquid diet cause constipation?

Yes, even though we only consume liquids, we normally have diarrhea and not constipation, but this is not true! 

To understand this, I will explain the phenomenon of constipation how it comes about.

There is what is called the microbiota, which is a large number of bacteria that resides in our gut to protect us. And when this bacteria is out of balance it can cause a digestive disorder whether it is constipation, diarrhea or other. 

And for this bacteria not to be out of balance, it must feed itself. 

The food of this bacteria comes from us. One of its food is dietary fiber!

And the liquid diet doesn’t contain fiber

Because one of the characteristics of dietary fiber is that it disappears when it is mixed! 

Is liquid diet healthy?: Dietitan’s opinion

Everything is a question of time! 

When applied over a very short period of time, it is healthy or even very healthy.

For example, during the two days of the weekend we follow the liquid detox diet to detoxify ourselves.

Or during a week’s vacation for example, to lose a few pounds that you have gained through carelessness over the past few days! 

However, to apply the liquid diet for a long period of time in order to lose weight or to apply it as a way of life is a dietary error in view of our body which is ready to chew, digest and lubricate food. 

As I said before, there are many functions in our body that will be inhibited and that will put us at risk, moreover many nutrients that are eliminated by the liquid diet! 

How long should the liquid diet last?

It should not last more than a week

So I recommend  the liquid diet for a maximum duration that does not exceed one week, to detoxify, to get rid of the feeling of guilt of having cheated on a diet….etc. 

I have specified the reasons above.


  • Maintain dental health
  • Lose weight quickly
  • Easy preparation method: since the preparation method of smoothies and liquids is easier than cooking solid meals.
  • Save time and comfort: You can take your cup of liquid and eat it anywhere and everywhere.
  • Better body hydration.


This type of diet can be recommended for a number of reasons, most notably in preparation for surgery or a procedure such as a colonoscopy or because of a health problem such as a bowel obstruction or if you have difficulty chewing or swallowing. 

If not if practiced for other reasons and for a long period of time it carries many disadvantages : 

  • Yoyo effect after a quick weight loss
  • Deficiency in some nutrients: like dietary fiber and vitamin B12
  • The liquid diet may be low in vitamin B12, minerals and protein, so long-term use (more than two weeks) would require supplements to prevent nutrient deficiencies and muscle loss.
  • Since it is a restrictive, low-calorie diet, it may affect your mental health and cause eating disorders or frustration. 

Liquid diet VS solid food

Both should be combined to obtain a balanced and diversified diet. 

Liquid food allows us to hydrate much more. And without liquid, we will be dehydrated! 

Thus, a solid food allows us to benefit from all the nutrients that the food has without losing them in the blender. 

We can benefit from the great importance of dietary fiber on our body, as well as other essential nutrients such as vitamin B12 and iron provided by meat. 

However, if we eat only solid food we will have a very long digestion time which favors weight gain.

So basically, what I want to explain to you is that both liquid and solid foods must be combined to eat healthy. 

A solid and diversified diet associated with only one authorized drink which is water is enough.

Typical breakfast for liquid diet

A banana and kiwi smoothie is very beneficial in the morning.

Banana is rich in starch, which will provide you with the energy you need throughout the day, you need this energy to start your day off right! 

The banana is also very rich in minerals such as magnesium, it provides a lot of nutrients in a small volume.

Compared to the kiwi: one of the most nutritious fruits since it contains 17 vitamins!

You can prepare it in only 5 minutes! You can add a little lemon to detoxify too! 


  • 2 bananas
  • 2 kiwis
  • 1 to 2 lemons (vitamin C is essential especially during the winter period)
  • 20cl of almond milk


  • Wash the fruits very well 
  • Take the zest of the lemon and squeeze it to obtain the juice.
  • Then, peel the bananas and cut them into slices.
  • Peel the kiwis and cut them into pieces.
  • Mix everything together to obtain a homogeneous cream.
  • Add the milk and mix again.
  • Divide the foamy mixture into glasses and decorate with a slice of kiwi and lemon peel.


Liquid diet meal plan for Weight loss

A typical menu to apply during the weekend or during the week-long vacation to lose weight.


You can prepare the banana and kiwi smoothie that I quoted the recipe above or: 

  • One cup of your choice of fruit juice.
  • One cup of cooked cereal
  • A glass of water or a cup of coffee.

Snack at 10am : 

  • A cup of tea.


  • One cup of mixed vegetables with an egg.
  • A glass of milk or soy milk
  • A cup of vegetable broth.

Afternoon snack: 

  • One cup of ice cream
  • A glass of water

Dinner : 

  • Liquid potato mix with 2 tablespoons of powdered milk or Gruyere cream.
  • A glass of fruit juice
  • A glass of water


The liquid diet allows you to lose weight and it works quite well. In one weekend we can lose up to 6 pounds or 3.3 lbs per day.

It is important to note that a clear liquid diet is not intended to be followed for more than a few days and is only recommended under the guidance of your medical provider.

If you want to lose weight while maintaining good physical & mental health, I invite you to follow : Balanced diet!

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.