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All about the Lazy keto diet, foods, rules…

The lazy keto diet is a simplified version of the traditional keto diet where you don’t have to count your calories or the amount of fat and protein you must consume, while you should never exceed 20g of carbs/per day.

What’s a lazy keto diet? 

Lazy keto is a less restrictive version of the traditional high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet. And the Lazy keto significantly restricts your carbohydrate intake. 

 The most common definition of a lazy keto is eating no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, without counting calories or tracking other macronutrients, protein and fat,” says Allison Knott, MS, RDN, CSSD, a registered dietitian based in New York City.

Lazy keto diet Grocery list  

  • Low-carb vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, turnip, onions, cucumber, tomatoes, beets in moderation, zucchini, endives, raw carrots in moderation.
  • Low-carb fruits (avocado, lemon, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, berries)
  • Cheese: cottage cheese, and most cheeses such as hard cheese, and sheep’s milk cheese.
  • Oilseeds: peanuts, walnuts, cashew nuts, pistachios. Almonds, sunflower seeds.
  • Healthy vegetable oils: extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, sesame oil, and linseed oil.
  • Meat and poultry: Pork, lamb, beef, chicken, horse, duck, rabbit
  • Fish and shellfish: White fish, crabs, oysters, sardines, tuna, shrimp, salmon, and lobster.
  • Legumes: snow peas, mung beans, soybean sprouts. 
  • Butter and low-carb creams.
  • Eggs
  • Olives
  • Unsweetened drinks

Foods to avoid during lazy keto 

  • Cereals: bread, pasta, rice, cereals and oats.
  • Starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas and corn
  • Fruits: all fruits other than those mentioned above.
  • Pulses: all but the three mentioned above.
  • Some dairy products: milk and yogurt, especially flavored
  • Sweet foods: cookies, cakes, ice cream, candy and most other desserts
  • Sweetened beverages: fruit juices, sports drinks and sodas

Pros and cons of the  lazy keto diet

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  • Offers more choices and delicious recipes
  • Easier than the traditional keto diet which requires you to calculate nutrients
  • Gives quick results on weight loss just like other versions of the keto diet
  • It’s a motivational way of dieting and many people switch from the clean keto diet to
  • lazy keto because it is more motivating and less strict.


  • Remains deficient especially 
  • Yoyo effect
  • Poor quality of food and therefore not a healthy diet
  • It is not effective for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and for other people in general.

What are lazy keto rules? 

  • No more than 20g of carbs/day 
  • No calories or fat/protein counting 
  • It may not bring you into a state of ketosis like the keto diet.

Does lazy keto better than the normal ( traditional) keto diet? 

No, the lazy keto diet is for people who have become unmotivated, but it’s fine to start this diet for a short period of time and restart the standard keto diet again. Like the lazy keto diet is an escape for some to get motivated because it is less strict.

But the traditional keto diet is more studied and has a great deal of research and approved data, unlike the lazy keto diet that has lack of scientific evidence. 

Lazy Vs clean Vs dirty keto diet, which one is more safe? 

Clean keto 

  • Only healthy fats and proteins 
  • Bio, organic foods 
  • Less than 50g of carbs/day.
  • Swap processed and canned foods.
  • preserves heart health  and wellbeing
  • Effective for weight loss
  • Alcohol is not allowed 

Dirty keto 

  • A version of the keto diet that ignores food quality 
  • Processed foods are included 
  • Light soda and low carb drinks including alcohol 
  • Less than 50 carbs/ day 
  • Ignores protein & fat intake. 
  • It doesn’t improve health, but effective in weight loss! 

Lazy keto diet 

  • Less than 50 g of carbs/day
  • Moderate protein intake 
  • High fat 
  • Good fat quality 
  • Ignores other foods’ quality like processed foods. 

Conclusion: The difference is clear by their names, the lazy keto diet is a bit less dirty than dirty keto because it focuses on protein amounts and fat quality. But both lazy and dirty allow processed foods, and they can’t beat the clean keto diet

What does a lazy keto diet meal plan look like? 


  • 40 g ( 2 slices) of keto bread with coconut flour 
  • 2 eggs toasted with a little sesame oil
  • One portion of cottage cheese 
  • Sesame seeds
  •  ½ avocado.


  • Endives with cucumber, oignons and mashed garlic seasoned with olive oil and vinegar
  • Green beans in sauce
  • Lean beef meat 
  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • Diluted and light lemon juice so that it does not attack your stomach


  • a small cup of Black coffee
  • 5 portions of nuts. 


  • Spinach and broccoli soup
  • Huevos rotos with ham ( here a healthy recipe
  • 40g cottage cheese.
  • Punch of blueberries. 

How much can you lose during a lazy keto diet? 

Weight loss differs for each person, depending on their metabolic rate, the way they eat, sport etc. But on general terms it’s almost the same results with the other versions of keto diet the only difference is the quality of the food which is poorer in the lazy keto. But you still can lose up to 2 pounds per week. 

Does lazy keto put you on ketosis? 

it is not necessary that the lazy keto diet causes ketosis. Because it did not emphasize the amount of protein that should be eaten. It’s a low carbs, high protein and fat diet, which means that proteins can be converted into sugar if needed. It can put you into ketosis if you eat less protein but not necessarily. 

Does lazy keto diet work for everyone? 

Of course not, among the disadvantages of the lazy keto diet is the lack of research on it and scientific evidence. Certainly, the lazy keto diet will let you lose weight but also lose your health with it. 

People who suffer from inflammatory diseases in general and gut diseases are the people who should not start the lazy keto diet. 

Eating out during lazy keto

Unlike clean keto, lazy keto is easy to follow even when eating out, because lazy keto does not require you to calculate protein and fat. So if you are having a lazy keto meal outside, base it on protein and fat foods like:  eggs, meat with other vegetables. 

Some examples of lazy keto meals from restaurants. 

  • Layonnaise salad with turkey escalope.
  • omelette and tomatoes with pork steak. 
  • Steak of beouf with green beans in sauce. 

Does the lazy keto diet work for vegans? 

It is possible but it is very difficult. Being vegan without consuming legumes because they are to be strongly limited in case of lazy keto diet, can bring negative points like weakness and important deficiencies. 

Then, during the lazy keto diet, you get energy from proteins and fats. If you combine it with the vegan diet, where does the energy come from if you don’t have to consume proteins of high biological value like meat and dairy products? 

Being vegan at the same time as lazy keto is dangerous for your health and I do not recommend it. Choose one of the two instead. 

Vegan VS lazy keto? 

If you have to choose one of the two, I recommend the vegan diet. Several research studies have confirmed the vegan diet to be effective for people’s health, but the lazy keto diet is yet to be discussed. As long as you do regular check-ups when you are on the vegan diet, to avoid complications related to certain deficiencies. 

Bottom Line

Finally, the lazy keto diet is a mix between the traditional keto diet and the dirty keto, so it is less strict than the normal keto and more strict than the dirty keto. 

As a dietician, I don’t recommend you to follow either the lazy keto or the dirty keto diet. Instead, the traditional keto diet is effective despite some disadvantages, but it is approved after several experiments and scientific research. 


Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.