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7 days and steps to gain weight during Paleo diet

To gain weight during paleo diet is very possible and is usually based on calories. Foods that allow for weight gain are also prohibited such as nuts. Here 7 days of paleo diet that will give you an idea how to eat well during the paleo diet to gain weight. 

  Is the paleo diet a weight loss diet ? 

The Paleo diet was originally created to alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory diseases such as colon diseases and to improve general health by eating well and in a healthy way like our ancestors. But, the paleo diet helps to lose weight effectively and to reduce the waistline. because it is a low-carb and restrictive diet.

Can we gain weight with paleo diet? 

We can adjust the paleo diet according to our goals. The weight loss will be easier because it is a diet that is low in carbohydrates and a little restrictive. 

For those who want to gain weight in a healthy way, it is possible with the paleo diet  because it allows you to consume enough energetic foods like nuts in a healthy way.  

How can paleo diet help you gain weight? 

Improve your digestive health

The common causes of malnutrition and wasting are intestinal and psychological. Knowing that the digestive tract is our second brain. 

The Paleo diet with its healthy food choices and practices based on our ancestors, it aims primarily to cure us of any intestinal disorders and improve our general condition. 

7 steps to gain weight during paleo diet 

Make sure there’s no problem 

In the beginning, you should always see a doctor to find out the cause of wasting. it may be a sign of an illness. If it is a problem with your diet. Just follow the paleo diet according to your eating habits and divide your meals into several snacks per day according to your conditions ( overnight work, day work..etc).

Healthy fats 

 Why fats? to gain weight, it is necessary to focus on fats because 1g of fat means 9 calories. While the other nutrients are only 4 calories per 1g. So fats will bring twice as many calories to our body. But it is important to choose the right quality of fat that will keep our cardiovascular health in good shape like : 

Paleo diet 7 days Meal plan to Gain Weight 1
  • Seafood (rich in omega 3’6)
  • Fish 
  • Lean meats 
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts in reasonable quantities!  

Cooking methods 

To gain weight during the paleo diet, it is also important to choose the ideal cooking method. The paleo diet forbids frying and cooking in the microwave. But you must choose a very rich and healthy way of cooking.

For example, instead of steaming your vegetables, you can fry them in a spoonful of coconut or sesame oil. Or you can cook your eggs in the dish instead of boiling them.

Note: never cook with olive oil as it becomes poor quality when cooked. 


Nuts are the key food to gain weight during the paleo diet. They are appetizing because they are delicious, high in calories, and have a good supply of good quality fats. They can be a good afternoon snack. However, they are also very rich in omega-6, which in high doses promotes inflammation.

Paleo carbs 

As long as carbohydrates are a key secret to healthy weight gain, it is important to consume them. The problem is that complex carbohydrate sources (starch) that contribute to weight gain are prohibited by the paleo diet. So we will consume enough paleo carbohydrates: 

  • Banana; which contains mostly starch 
  • The sweet potato
  • Potatoes in limited quantities 
  • Some root vegetables are allowed such as carrots. 

To learn more about the permitted foods:  the paleo diet

Vitamins are the basis!

Indeed, for people who have a lack of appetite and they want to gain weight during the diet paleo, they must focus on the vitamins of fruits as long as they are allowed.

 In fact, fruit is the advantage of the paleo diet over other low-carb diets.  vitamins will help rebuild the body and restore the appetite and people who have appetite disorders try to drink the calories directly instead of cooking and eating.

  • Smoothies: coconut milk, avocado, and/or almond butter.
  •  Bananas and sweet potatoes can also easily be included in the mix or made on their own.
  • Sauces and dressings: Paleo mayonnaise (olive oil based), pesto, and salad dressing are great ways to add calories to your entrees. 

Replace low-calorie foods with higher-fat but healthy foods:

sometimes you have to use your brain. replace some low-calorie foods with higher-calorie ones, but always choose healthy foods.  for example, eat an avocado for breakfast instead of a serving of green vegetables. Instead of herbal tea by itself, drink it with nuts. 

Foods to eat during paleo diet to gain weight

  • Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils and fats: olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, duck.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, macadamia, sesame seeds and flax seeds. 
  • Avocados
  • Coconut and coconut products (milk, coconut cream)
  • Fatty fish (salmon, sardines) and foods made from fatty fish. 
  • Banana
  • Yam and carrots 
  • Seitan 

7 days paleo diet meal plan for a healthy weight gain 

Day 1 


  • 15cl of coconut milk, banana, and raspberry smoothie = 320 calories 
  • 30g of nuts = 213 calories

Breakfast = 533 calories


  • Green salad seasoned with olive oil:
  • 80 g duck escalope = 100 calories
  • Scrambled eggs with spinach = 109
  • 30g of nuts = 213 calories 
  • 1/2 avocado = 70 calories. 

Lunch = 502 calories. 


  • Fruit
  • Mixed nuts


  • 200 ml sweet potato and pumpkin soup = 99 calories 
  • 100g of beef meat with carrots in sauce = 130 calories
  • One banana = 180 calories

Dinner = 409 

note: if you have noticed the dinner must be lighter than the breakfast and dinner for the physical and moral well-being. 

Day 2 


  • Coconut milk with Paleo pancakes (with almond powder or coconut flour and banana) with almond or date jam.
  • Nuts


  • Seasonal vegetables as a starter
  • Spinach omelet seasoned with sesame seeds
  • Grilled beef steak 
  • A banana


  • Bunch of nuts


  • Bell pepper
  • Squash stuffed with veal, raisins, and almonds
  • ½ avocado 

Day 3


  • Homemade vegetable juice
  • 2 slices of chicken breast
  • A fresh fruit


  • Smoked Salmon Omelette
  • Sweet potato cooked in steam
  • Nuts


  • A banana


  • Avocado and tomato salad as an appetizer 
  • Homemade ratatouille, sweet potato, carrots, tomatoes and zucchini. 
  • A fresh fruit

Day 4 


  • Almond milk with berries 
  • Nuts 
  • 1/2 avocado


  • Pumpkin soup with a dab of sesame butter
  • Chicken stuffed with cranberries and hazelnuts.
  • Orange


  • Bunch of nuts 


  • Green salad 
  • Sweet potato puree
  • Banana

Day 5 


  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 glass of almond milk
  • Mixed nuts


  • Carrot and sweet potato soup
  • Fish curry with coconut milk and seasonal vegetables
  • ½ avocado 


  • Homemade fruit juice


  • Fish soup 
  • Tomato and mushroom omelets
  • Apple

Day 6 


  • Coconut milk with sesame seeds 
  • Nuts 


  •  Sweet potato and carrot soup
  • Vegetables stuffed with pork 
  • 1/2 avocado


  • Bunch of mixed nuts 


  • Endives with hard-boiled eggs 
  • Paleo sweet potato fries with grilled chicken
  • Banana

Day 7 


  • Chia seed, almond milk, and red fruit pudding
  • Fruits


  • Vegetable salad with seeds, nuts and hazelnuts
  • Shrimp in paleo sauce 
  • 1/2 avocado


  • Homemade smoothie (berries, banana).


  • Grilled sardines and small greens
  • a cup of almond milk
  • Fruit

Bottom Line 

Looking at the typical 7-day paleo diet menu. You may notice that although it is a diet that has been scientifically proven to be beneficial for some things, it remains unbalanced and not really healthy for those who want to adopt a better diet.

 It lacks many essential nutrients such as calcium, and magnesium which can be found in dairy products and magnesium in whole grain pasta for example. 

The paleo diet is also not suitable for everyone, for example, for people who suffer from gout and kidney disease, and diabetics should first consult a nutritionist because it is a diet that is not for everyone. 

Hi there ! , I’m M. Kenza , dietitian , my main objective here is to show you how to have a good waistline and feel good about yourself by losing weight or avoiding gaining it, and all this without , having to go out , suffering or starving.